Woman Shrieks For Help In Sinking Car – Then Police Risk It All With 1 Last-Second Decision
By Christina Williams
Woman Shrieks For Help In Sinking Car – Then Police Risk It All With 1 Last-Second Decision

You never know when you might need a miracle.

But you always hope that when you do, your guardian angel will be by your side.

When a Georgia woman found herself facing death, she wasn’t sure she’d make it out alive. However, two police deputies were determined to make sure that wasn’t the case.

Deputies Carlos Ortiz and Wesley Birjkovff were working when a call came into the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office about a car that was “nearly submerged” in a pond.

The two men rushed to the scene. Inside the submerged red car was an elderly woman, Debbie Ruch, and her dog, Claire.

Ruch said she had pulled out of her driveway when she suddenly got hit by 2 cars, spinning her vehicle into a nearby pond.

“When the water started coming into my face, that was the scary moment and I knew I had to do something,” she said.

Deputies Carlos Ortiz and Wesley Birjkovff with Maria Ruch. Photo courtesy of Paulding County Sheriff’s Office

Ruch had a tool she used to help free Claire.

I cut the airbag, so she could get out, and she got out real quick,” she said.

“When we got there I heard someone yell she’s still in the water,” said Dep. Ortiz. After the officers jumped into the water, they realized they were in a race to save the woman.

“I took my baton and broke the window. I could see she was running out of places to breathe, we tried to get her out of the window, but it didn’t work,” the deputy said. 

So, using all the strength they could, the two deputies worked to open the door.

“The bottom third of the door was stuck in the mud, so it took both of us to pry the door open and get her out,” Dep. Ortiz said.

Ruch escaped with just minor cuts and bruises.

Claire, who had been scared and ran off, was quickly found by a local animal hospital employee. She was brought back home to Ruch, with no injuries. 

The two deputies were honored with Life Saving Awards by their sheriff.

“I am so proud of the fact that no matter what division our Deputies are assigned to, when they hear a call come out, they respond and take immediate action,” Sheriff Gary Gulledge said.

“Because of Deputy Ortiz and Deputy Birjkovff’s quick action, the life of Ms. Ruch was saved,” he added.  “We are all eternally grateful for their quick action and selfless response.”

Ruch couldn’t agree more.

“It’s like angels came and helped me,” she said.

Watch below to hear the deputies and Ruch talk about her amazing rescue.

Sources: People | Fox 5 Atlanta