In the digital age, where smartphones have become as ubiquitous as keys and wallets, parents are finding themselves in a techy tug-of-war with their little ones. The allure of shiny screens and clickable buttons proves irresistible to curious babies, leading to a host of problems ranging from sticky buttons to cracked screens. However, one clever parent has gone viral for her inventive solution to this modern-day dilemma.
Meet Bruna, the savvy mom behind the TikTok account @brufava, who has charmed the internet with her simple yet ingenious hack for keeping her baby, Natalie, entertained without sacrificing her smartphone to the whims of drool and accidental app purchases. Bruna’s method? A decoy phone made from a plastic smartphone case and a piece of foam, cut precisely to mimic the dimensions of a real smartphone.
@brufava DIY baby proof cellphone #diy #babyproof #momhack #momhacks ♬ Imagination – Lize Mynhardt
This DIY approach not only keeps Bruna’s actual phone safe from the eager hands of her adorable daughter but also addresses the growing concern among parents and health experts about screen time for toddlers. The World Health Organization advises against screen time for children under 2, citing its impact on cognitive and social development. Bruna’s faux phone offers a screen-free alternative that lets Natalie engage in the ever-popular pastime of mimicking her mom without the drawbacks of actual screen use.
The reaction to Bruna’s video, which outlines step-by-step instructions for creating the baby-proof phone, has been overwhelmingly positive. With over 214,000 likes and thousands of comments and shares, parents worldwide are hailing the hack as “genius” and eagerly adopting the method for their own tech-curious tots. The clip not only showcases Natalie happily tapping away at her foam phone but also engaging her cat in her pretend phone conversations, highlighting the safe and versatile nature of the DIY device.
In a follow-up video, Bruna ups the ante by suggesting parents print out a photo of a phone screensaver to glue onto the foam, making the decoy phone even more realistic for their little ones. This pro-tip has also garnered significant attention, with more than 84,000 likes and hundreds of comments and shares, proving that Bruna’s simple solution has struck a chord with parents navigating the challenges of raising children in a digital world.
Okay. Doing this tomorrow. My daughter has been smashing my phone lately,” a TikTok user said.
Parents and parents-to-be shared their love for video in the comments section. “This is genius!” wrote one TikToker. “Taking notes for when I have kids,” gushed another TikTok user. Bruna’s TikTok account, boasting over 1.5 million followers and 35.3 million likes, has become a go-to source for parenting advice and adorable clips of Natalie.
Yet, it’s her phone hack that has truly captured the imagination of fellow parents, offering a low-cost, effective way to protect their real phones while limiting screen time and encouraging imaginative play. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so too do the challenges of parenting.
Bruna’s decoy phone hack represents the innovative and resourceful spirit of modern parents, finding balance and solutions in an age where technology is omnipresent. It’s a light-hearted reminder that sometimes, the simplest ideas can make the biggest difference in our lives and the lives of our little ones. Watch below for a look at this absolutely charming child who got ahold of her mom’s cell phone.