This Obese Dog Just Found A Miracle – And It Mends Her Broken Heart In An Instant
By Christina Williams
This Obese Dog Just Found A Miracle – And It Mends Her Broken Heart In An Instant

In some cases, it’s OK to break a promise. Especially if that promise was made to yourself. Annika Bram never imagined she’d find herself on another extraordinary pet adoption journey. But fate had other ideas, it seems. So despite her promise to herself that she wouldn’t adopt another dog.

But her roommate had a different plan. She sent Bram a video of an 8-year-old dog named Frannie. The dog looked just like Bram’s rescue dog, Georgia, who died last year. While she missed having a dog, the veterinary student said, “I was just trying to be responsible (and finish school first).” The poor pup was severely overweight, and had lived outside for her entire life.

Left: Frannie; Right: Georgia Photo courtesy of Annika Brand

Which reminded Bram of Georgia — who was also overweight when Bram adopted her. The dog was 160 pounds when Bram got her, and she helped the pup lose 85 pounds during their five years together before Georgia passed away. Suddenly, Bram decided she needed Frannie in her life. “I was in shock; she looked identical to Georgia,” she said.

I think Georgia sent her to me. Georgia is telling me I need to help this dog.”

She immediately contacted Rover’s Retreat, where Frannie was at, and offered to foster her. The dog weighed 125 pounds, more than 65 pounds heavier than she needed to be. The rescue group told Bram the retriever’s backstory. “She had just been living outside for the entirety of her eight years,” said Sydney Maleman, the president of the rescue group. Frannie’s owners had planned have her euthanized.

Thankfully, wljhen the rescue organization was alerted to the dog’s poor condition they raced to help save her. Although Frannie belonged to a family, she stayed in the backyard, Maleman said, and was fed table scraps. She also had hypothyroidism which had been left untreated and likely another reason she was overweight.

“She never had proper vet care,” Maleman said. “She was drinking out of a paint bucket.” When Maleman went to rescue her, “it took four people to get her into the back of my minivan,” she said. “She’s really been put through the wringer, and I think we got her just in time.” Frannie had to be treated for pneumonia and for a time was “very medically unstable,”  Maleman said.

Annika Bram and Frannie enjoy a walk outside. Photo courtesy of Bram

As Frannie slowly recovered, it eventually became time to find a foster for her. Bram was their first choice, Maleman said. “Annika just kept following up,” she said. “After talking to her, we just knew that she was going to set Frannie up for success.”

She was willing to do everything and anything for a dog she never met.”

“When I brought her home, she was just completely defeated,” Bram said. But she knew she could do this. “I knew I was the best person to help this dog, and if anyone was going to do it, I was going to do it,” she said. “I wasn’t going to give up that easy.” From teaching Frannie how to stand on her own legs (having her straddle a container, requiring Frannie to put weight on her paws a bit at a time) to keeping her on thyroid medicine to diet and exercise, Bram focused on helping the dog to be happy and healthy.

Within three months, Frannie lost 31 pounds. Bram hopes with more work, she will get to around 70 pounds. “She’s a completely different dog,” said Bram, adding that Frannie now has a bubbly nature and also a sassy side. Once Frannie could stand up on her own, Bram said, she began walking, and eventually, running. Now her favorite thing to do is chase after tennis balls.

“The best thing is just to be able to see her be a normal dog and enjoy her life.” Bram said that she couldn’t have done this without Rover’s Retreat, which has covered Frannie’s vet care and other needs. “They’ve been absolutely critical in making sure that Frannie has been thriving.” Bram now plans to adopt Frannie. “She has a forever home with me.” Watch below to see this nearly brand-new dog thanks to her foster mom!

Sources: Washington Post | Good Morning America