Cats are known jerks. Rude, aloof and oftentimes their attitude is based on nothing more than how the wind is blowing that day. But, family is family, and for one cat and downright lucky pup, no one but a cat messes with her family. Even if that means squaring up against two coyotes.
Oakley, a small 6-year-old Havanese dog, has an outside-only cat sister, Binx. Oklahoma resident Lane Dyer said Binx showed up in the family’s backyard when she was only a kitten. The family fed her, but the cat was determined to be an outdoor cat only. “We’ve tried to bring her inside, but she has no interest in being an indoor cat,” Dyer said. “She likes the elements, and I’m sure she’s been in a lot of situations where she’s had to defend herself.”
She lives in our backyard.”
Just like any other night, Dyer said, they let Oakley outside to go to the bathroom. While the outside security camera was recording, a coyote slowly stalks through the yard the tiny pup. In seconds, the coyote attacks the dog. And then, another coyote shows up.

Oakley while recovering from the coyote attack. Photo by Lane Dyer
When the Dyers watched the video footage later, they saw their dog’s hero – Binx. Slowly on the left side, she walks out and then immediately darts at the coyotes, who scatter away as quickly as they arrived. The family heard some noise they said, before Oakley came rushing inside. “Oakley scampered in the house and ran upstairs,” Dyer said.
“She had been cut open on her chest and side and was bleeding profusely.” Dyer and his wife bundled Oakley up and raced her to the emergency vet. “We had no idea what happened,” he said. They immediately pulled up their security footage on their phone to see what had happened to Oakley. What they saw both scared them, but made them cheer for the cat. “[Binx} jumped down and scared them off, it was the craziest thing ever,” Dyer said. It gave Oakley enough time to run inside the house, he said.
[The coyotes] cut her open and she was gushing blood, you know, from her chest and her side,” Dyer said.
“It was inspiring to see just our little outdoor cat just jump at two coyotes that were attacking this little dog who she loves and run them off,” he said.

Binx, left, snuggles with Oakley. Photo by Lane Dyer
At the vet Oakley was stitched up and her injured leg put in a splint. Thankfully, all of her injuries have since healed and she is back to her normal self. Binx, they said, is still keeping a watch over the woods around the house. Dyer said this is a good reminder for pet owners to be aware of wild animals and “not take coyotes for granted.” “They hunt and prey on small targets and have the ability to attack unannounced,” he warned. Watch the amazing heroics of Binx below.