Teens Make Prom Clothes Out of 1 Surprise Thing – And It Wins Them a Life-Changing Award
By Christina Williams
Teens Make Prom Clothes Out of 1 Surprise Thing – And It Wins Them a Life-Changing Award

Monica Walsh and Isaac Cervantes didn’t just attend prom in style — they redefined it. These high school students crafted their prom outfits entirely out of one item and walked away with thousands of dollars in scholarships as a result.

Walsh and Cervantes were named the 2024 Duck Brand Stuck at Prom Scholarship Contest winners, thanks to their innovative use of Duck Brand Tape. Walsh, who is from Canada, created a vibrant prom dress that won her the title of “Grand Prize Dress,” while Cervantes, from Pilot Point, Texas, constructed a blue tuxedo that earned him the “Grand Prize Tux” title.

Walsh, who recently graduated, invested 126 hours and used 13 rolls of tape to complete her dress. “I’ve never used Duck Tape to make a full outfit,” she said. “It took a lot more time than I thought it would take as I have many small details in my dress.”

Isaac Cervantes and Monica Walsh won a Duck Tape contest for creating their prom outfits out only the tape. Photo by Duck Brand

“My inspiration was from the artist Romero Britto. I love his use of colors and fun patterns, which inspired me to add a lot of colors and patterns,” she said. She almost didn’t believe it when she learned that she won the contest.

My jaw dropped immediately when I found out.”

Walsh plans to use her scholarship to attend Lakehead University in Ontario, where she will study education with the goal of becoming a chemistry teacher.

Cervantes, on the other hand, couldn’t pinpoint exactly how many hours he spent on his tuxedo but noted that the work was spread out over several Sundays, often working alongside his mom. “What took most of our time was making sure that everything was straight,” he explained. The duo faced challenges, including adhesive issues and fit adjustments, but persevered. Cervantes’ design was deeply personal, drawing inspiration from his Mexican American heritage and the monarch butterfly, a symbol of migration and new beginnings.

Isaac Cervantes shows off the back of his prom outfit. Photo by Duck Brand

Cervantes, who used 16 rolls of tape for his tuxedo, is thankful for the support he received. “I am grateful to everyone who voted, and the local newspaper who got the word out as soon as they could,” he said. He plans to use his $15,000 scholarship at Austin College in Sherman, Texas, where he will begin his studies this fall.

Kerry Haugh, director of product marketing at Shurtape Technologies, LLC, commented on the significance of this year’s competition. “With larger cash scholarships and new categories to win in, we’re ensuring talented teens have more opportunities than ever before to be rewarded for their creativity, inspirational stories and fashion-forward style,” she said.

Walsh and Cervantes entered their designs in the 24th annual Duck Brand Stuck at Prom Scholarship Contest, which was decided by public vote. The contest also awarded runner-up outfits and prizes in categories like “Most Runway Worthy,” “Trust E’s Choice,” as well as “Most Inspiring,” which Cervantes also won.

These innovative teens have shown that with creativity and determination, even the most unconventional materials can be transformed into something extraordinary. Watch below for a look at some of the other entries into the contest.

Sources: Fox NewsDallas Innovates