Teenager Gets 1 Mind-Blowing Text From A Total Stranger – It Turns Out To Be A Life-Changing Message
By Christina Williams
Teenager Gets 1 Mind-Blowing Text From A Total Stranger – It Turns Out To Be A Life-Changing Message

Sometimes mistakes are quick lessons we learn and move on from. Other times, they are instead, what changes the course our life was on, for the better.

So when a 17-year-old received a text message meant for someone else, he could have just ignored it, like so many would.

Instead, Jamal Hinton responded. And the rest, as they say, was history.

In 2016, Hinton got a message that told him Thanksgiving dinner was at 3 p.m., Nov. 24, he had no idea who it was from. So he asked, and Wanda Dench responded with, ‘Your grandma,” with an elderly white woman emoji.

Realizing it might actually not be his grandma, he asked for a photo to prove it. Dench responded with a selfie. Amused, Hinton, who is black, sent one of himself back. Despite saying she wasn’t his grandma, he asked,  “Can I still get a plate tho?”

And with Dench’s immediate response of:  

Of course you can. That’s what grandma’s do…feed everyone,” a new tradition was made.

Hinton posted on social media the accidental text, unaware of the impact it would have. Immediately, it went viral, with people eagerly watching to see if the pair would have Thanksgiving dinner together. And they did. Hinton visited Dench in Mesa, Arizona, seven years ago, and the pair haven’t stopped.

Jamal Hinton and Wendy Dench at the first thanksgiving the two shared in 2016. Photo by Hinton.

Dench, and her husband, Lonnie, immediately welcomed Hinton to their home and family, and the dinner became tradition. Hinton would eventually bring his girlfriend to dinners, as well. 

Tragically, when the 2020 pandemic hit, Dench’s husband, Lonnie died from Covid-19. The couple had both been sick with the virus, but while Dench recovered, Lonnie was hospitalized. Denton and his girlfriend, Mikaela, refused to let Dench be alone, though.

“I heard some rustling at my front door, and I opened it up and Jamal and Mikaela were dropping off a whole bunch of food and gifts and stuff,” Dench told Today reporters.

For Dench, it was more than just an accidental text to someone, it was a moment that changed her life.

“Jamal taught me that age made absolutely no difference. I love all of my grandkids and kids, but we all are different generations and we all reminisce about different things,” she once said. “But when Jamal came along, my husband and I and him and his girlfriend, we would go out to dinner throughout the year together and we would just lose all track of time. One time, we were at a restaurant for three or four hours and I couldn’t believe we were there that long. We kept talking! It was just such a wonderful conversation.”

“That’s when it dawned on me that there doesn’t have to be a generation gap to have friendships. So now I look at a lot of young people in a different light than I used to and I make it a point to talk and get to know them,” she continued.

He’s changed my life a lot, I know that.”

Despite Dench now retiring and moving a few hours away, the two promise that it won’t change their friendship, or Thanksgiving plans. Hinton said they ‘already got plans for next year.”

In fact, two are working with Netflix on a film about the unlikely friendship, they told Today. Though they said they are “not allowed to talk about it.”

Hinton even used Dench on a billboard to promote his new business. “I’ve always told her whatever I’m doing, she’s a part of, no matter what it is,” he said.

He even went with Dench to get her first tattoo. “Matching tattoos next,” Hinton said.

Watch the heartwarming story of Hinton and Dench, below. Like and comment what unique traditions your family has for holidays!

Source: Today Show