I’ve always wondered where Waldo chose to hide himself. Apparently, the advanced hide-and-seeker decided to reveal himself when duty called and a striped hero was…
An ordinary errand in Oamaru, New Zealand, turned into an extraordinary tale when Merv Wilson stopped by his local jewelry store to pick up a…
When we work together, we can do almost anything. Thanks to a group of kind strangers, one family is counting their blessings this winter. On…
They say curiosity killed the cat. But in this case, instead, it seems curiosity saved the day. When Bri Smith stepped into her Los Angeles…
Secrets aren’t secret. They’re just hidden treasures… – Stephen White When Suzette Hall, founder of Logan’s Legacy 29, received a call from a concerned Los…
Who wouldn’t be a bit surprised when a pile of fur started moving toward you? What began as an ordinary walk for Atlanta, Ga., pet…
In a heartwarming twist of fate, two legends from completely different worlds have joined forces in a way that only the magic of music and…
“A world without dolphins or whales isn’t much of a world at all.” – Ric O’Barry On a Sunday in northern New Zealand, an incredible…
Now this is most certainly a tale that proves once again that the kindness of strangers can move mountains. Or in this case, rescue dogs…
Well, not everyone wants to be rescued. That’s what a few members of a Texas fire department found out when they were called out to…