Tag: Rescue
Man Makes Horrifying Discovery At Trash Dump – Minutes Later, He Saves 2 Precious Lives

In our lives, we can be many things. There isn’t one path that we have to stay on. Sometimes, just wandering off the chosen path,…

Children Are Trapped Inside Their Burning House – Then A Passerby Springs Into Action

After getting into a fight with your significant other, you probably don’t have high hopes for the rest of the night. I imagine, though, you…

Dog With Lopsided Grin Needs A Home – Family Crafts a Wacky Plan To Make Pup’s Dream Come True

Sometimes when you see a smile, you just know you’re going to fall in love. Even if you think you don’t need it, or aren’t…

Woman Faces Winter Travel Nightmare – What She Does Next Stuns Other Passengers

During winter, record-breaking winter storm named Elliot caused thousands of flight cancellations, leaving many travelers stranded and frustrated.  But for one particular traveler, she took…

After Rescue Dog Begs To Get Outside – Owners Stunned At What She Leads Them To

When you rescue a dog from the shelter, you often know that they come from desperate and harsh situations.  For one Michigan couple, their mixed-breed…

After Coyotes Target Farmer’s Sheep, The Defense They Encounter Shocks Everyone

Dogs are described as the most loyal of animals. They often never leave the sides of those they love. They are brave and protect their…

Elderly Man’s Car Smashes Into Icy Lake – Seconds Later, a Teen Jumps In To Save Him…And His Adorable Pet

Sometimes you are just in the right place at the right time. That was the case for a teen who was out ice-fishing recently. Joe…

Rescuer Hears Mysterious Noise In Wreckage – Wait Until You See What He Finds

Mr. Rogers once said that when scary things happened, his mother would tell him: “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are…

Mom’s Desperate Screams Answered as Teen Leaps Through Window to Save Child

Fast-food restaurants are typical jobs for a lot of teenagers. So many places are staffed and run by kids fresh out of high school. Most…

Incredible Viral Video Shows Last-Second Rescue – Mom Races To Save Her Son Stranded in the Ocean

Sometimes all you need is your parents, and a few friends. Even when you’re lost in the ocean. Because moms, and family, are superheroes. One…

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