Tag: Rescue
Ultra-Rare Bird On The Brink Of Extinction – Then 1 Brave Man “Grows Wings” To Save It

More and more species are going extinct due to changing climates across the world. And sadly, it usually happens without anyone able to slow or…

Stray Dog Keeps Escaping From The Shelter – Then Rescuers Solve the Furry Angel’s Mystery

Pets are oftentimes life changing. They add so much companionship and joy to our lives. Like most people do, I got my dog from our…

These Shelter Dogs Are On The Brink Of Disaster – Then Rescuers Sniff Out Something Miraculous

People return family pets to the shelter for so many reasons. They will tell the shelter workers that they don’t have the time to care…

Woman’s Quiet Vacation Suddenly Erupts In Flames – Minutes Later, She Pulls Off An Amazing Feat Of Heroism

Sometimes a simple twist of fate can lead to a miracle. When Tammi Arrington traveled to Texas to visit a friend, she thought it would…

Woman Hears Bizarre Noises From Inside The Sewer – When She Sees What It Is, She Quickly Dives In

I can think of a few places where I wouldn’t want to go wandering through. Abandoned buildings spring to mind. Graveyards at night. And definitely…

Bachelor Party Canoe Trip Takes A Bizarre Turn – They See A Head Poking Out Of The Mud…

Everyone expects a bachelor party to involve some sort of surprise. I mean, that is the very nature of most of those events. So when…

Hiker Finds Shivering Dog Close To Death – He Prays His Ingenious Idea to Save Him Works

The grief of losing someone is unbearable. We struggle to come to terms with it and often never quite find a way to ease the…

Rescuers Find Paralyzed Dog Trapped Under a Car – What They Do to Save Him Is Just Miraculous

“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” – Author Roger Caras Animals often have no choice in the life they…

Cop Called After Bundle Tossed From Moving Car – He Rushes To The Scene And Can’t Believe His Eyes

Sometimes you just need the right man for the ‘purr-fect’ job. And for one unlucky animal, she was just about to find out how much…

Starving Man And Dog Stranded In The Ocean For Months – Suddenly, A Miracle Comes Down From Above

Ninety-seven percent of the world’s water is undrinkable.  Too salty, the water doesn’t allow for human life to live on it. So if you found…

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