SWAT Officer Leads A Secret Double Life – And She Just Made History Doing It
By Christina Williams
SWAT Officer Leads A Secret Double Life – And She Just Made History Doing It

Sometimes all we see is the uniform a person wears. We can often forget that someone like a police officer has a whole entire life, when they aren’t on duty. For one 27-year-old Arizona SWAT officer, she’s out to make sure that the world knows there is more to police than just their job. She’s about to become the first law enforcement officer to compete in the Miss USA pageant.

“I want to give people who aren’t in law enforcement a little insight into what officers are like,” Candace Kanavel said. “We have hobbies, we have families, we have all these different things outside of what we do for a living.” She works with the Tempe Police as a SWAT hostage negotiator, and was recently crowned Miss Arizona. She said that each role compliments the other.

“When I’m in my police uniform, I’m empowered to help people. And when I’m in my sash and crown, I’m empowered to help people,” Kanavel said. “And so I’m doing the same job, just in a different uniform.” Even the pageants are similar to her police work, she said.

Tempe police officer Candace Kanavel. Photo courtesy of Kanavel

“Talking to the judges is a little bit of a negotiation,” Kanavel said. “You’re trying to tell them about yourself and really have those personal connections with them, and that’s exactly what we try to do as hostage negotiators.” She wants to help others learn to enjoy their interests and live life without fear.

I think in society, we get put in boxes a lot and we’re confined by that box but I think what my message is to people is that you don’t have to be limited to that box,” Kanavel said.

“I can do it all and so can everybody else.” Outside of her job as an officer, and when she’s not competing in pageants, the dedicated Kanavel likes to talk to “middle school students about career choices and confidence,” a press release from the Tempe Police Dept. said. She also started “Yes She CAN,” to help “encourage, motivate and empower women of all ages.”

“I know that happens to so many women, especially being in my line of work as a police officer,” Kanavel said. “I think people see femininity as weakness, and it’s not.” Another goal, she said, is to recruit more women into law enforcement. “Not that long ago there weren’t any women in law enforcement,” she said. “Now, there will be a woman police officer walking the stage of Miss USA.”

Tempe police officer Candace Kanavel. Photo courtesy of Kanavel

In the end, she hopes to inspire young women to realize that they can do whatever they want in life. “You can do any career and be anything you want to be,” Kanavel said. “You can be all of the things you want to be.” *Story update: The Miss USA contest was Sept. 29th and was won by Miss Utah. Watch below for a look at this inspiring woman!

Sources: Good Morning America | People