Joshua 1:9 reads: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Melissa Simms, a mother of five from Pell City, Alabama, faced a daunting situation at the doctor’s office. Money was tight for Melissa and her husband Caleb, especially after several surgeries drained their finances. “Me and my husband woke up and split our last ten dollars for gas, for him to go to work and for me to make it to my doctor’s appointment,” she said. “
All day I was stressed about how am I going to make supper for my kids.”.
On the day of her follow-up appointment, Melissa found herself short on the co-pay. Left with no other option, she went in for her appointment. Trey remained in the waiting room, listening to music, while his mom saw the doctor. When she came out, he told her that a woman had given him a note for Melissa. So, he gave it to her as they walked out to the car.

The note that was given to Trey Simms for his mother, Melissa. Photo courtesy of the Simms family
Inside was a note that read, I’ve had days like you are having today. Hang in there. Joshua 1:9. The woman had also slipped a $100 bill into the envelope. “If I would have known what it was, I would have told her thank you,” Trey said. For Melissa, it was the reassurance she needed.
“It is a complete feeling of peace, just like everything is going to be OK,” she explained. And because of the generous note, Melissa was not only able to pay her doctor’s bill, but get dinner for her family and a few other necessities. And she’s hoping she’ll be able to find the kind woman and express her gratitude personally.

Caleb and Melissa Simms. Photo courtesy of the Simms family
In a post on Facebook, Melissa wrote: “Sorry, I had to share this, I was having one of those days where it just seemed everything was going wrong. Then an unknown woman, which I will call an EARTHLY ANGEL, handed this to my son while we were at the doctor’s office. This made my whole entire day. THANK YOU! I will pay it forward,” she promised.
I have read about these random acts of kindness, but this is the first time I have ever experienced [one] firsthand! Just thought maybe this could cheer up someone’s day as much as it has mine.”
“I don’t know what she looks like, I don’t know her name, but I hope I get to meet her to say thank you,” she said. “It’s the kindest thing that’s ever been done. Truly from the bottom of my heart I thank this woman. I would love to repay it and to pay it forward one day just like she did.”
Watch below for a look at why Americans have so much medical debt, and how necessary surgeries, like the ones Melissa had, are leaving families in poverty.
Source: Little Things