Runaway School Bus Speeds Toward Gas Pumps – Then 1 Small Child Makes A Miracle Move
By Christina Williams
Runaway School Bus Speeds Toward Gas Pumps – Then 1 Small Child Makes A Miracle Move

We’ve all seen the movie with the speeding bus that couldn’t slow down.

But instead of a hero driving the bus – the driver’s seat was empty.

Until a young hero decided to take charge.

A 14-year old girl is being called a hero for her actions when the school bus she was on began rolling down a hill, 

Izzy Miller said she quickly noticed that the driver’s seat had no one in it.

A 14-year-old girl has saved a school bus from a runaway disaster at Casino in New South Wales’ north.

Hero of the moment Izzy Miller (center) with her mother Rebecca Miller (left) and mini-mart owner Erin Witton. Photo courtesy of ABC News

“I looked over to talk to my friend, turned back over for like two seconds, and the bus started moving,” she said.

And there was no one at the steering wheel.”

“It was heading near the (gas pumps) and no one was doing anything so I jumped up, got into action and steered it away.”

Her first thoughts she said was for the other students.

“If I didn’t do anything about it, something really bad could have happened to the kids.”

Her next move was simple deduction – figuring out what was the brake pedal. She pressed down on the first pedal.

“And then I’m like, ‘Okay, it stopped’, and I press it again and [the bus] actually stopped,” Izzy said.

CCTV footage from the mini-mart on the corner captured the bus speeding and then slowing down.

“The brake went, I assume, and it started rolling and, as it’s a slight hill, it picked up speed,” said Faith Pittman, an employee of the mini mart. “But the young girl has run up to the front of the bus and put on the brake and snapped the wheel the other way.”

Izzy’s mother, Rebecca Miller, said her daughter kept getting praised for her actions.

“The [school] principal said that if Izzy hadn’t acted the way she did that day, he would have been making some very different phone calls,” she said.

Teenager Izzy Miller’s quick thinking potentially stopped this fuel station going up in flames. Photo by ABC News/Kim Honan

The mini mart’s owner said there were so many ways this could have turned tragic.

I had a guy pumping gas at the time. If that bus had hit the bowser, worse case it would have blown,” Erin Witton said.

An investigation into why the bus moved on its own is underway, said officials. But they said that the bus driver was believed to be talking to a teacher, outside of the bus. As it ran away, he chased after it.

The bus driver was believed to have been talking to a teacher at the time. He ran after the bus as it rolled away, she said.

Izzy got a certification of appreciation from Witton, along with $100. She was also given a bravery award by local officials.

Witton thanked the teen for her “selfless and quick thinking” and “act of courage and bravery”.

“(If) she hadn’t done what she did, (it) could’ve ended catastrophically,” she wrote on social media.

Watch the heroic actions of the teen below.

Sources: The Guardian |