After Rescue Dog Begs To Get Outside – Owners Stunned At What She Leads Them To
By Christina Williams
After Rescue Dog Begs To Get Outside – Owners Stunned At What She Leads Them To

When you rescue a dog from the shelter, you often know that they come from desperate and harsh situations. 

For one Michigan couple, their mixed-breed dog Peanut, had been found with broken legs and ribs. But after being rescued by the shelter and healed, she had found safety with their family.

And one day, it seems, Peanut decided to return the favor. 

The couple wrote to the Delta Animal Shelter, where they got Peanut, that Peanut started barking and wouldn’t stop. She ran full speed up and down the family’s stairs, demanding to be let outside.

Confused, her owners (who have asked to remain anonymous) let Peanut outside, where she sped off on leash toward a field behind their house in Escanaba, Mich.

The owner trailed behind, pulling on the leash trying to get the dog back, but Peanut dug in, planting herself in front of a ditch and refusing to leave.

The man said Peanut looked at him and wouldn’t budge. So he peered in the ditch and what he saw sent shockwaves through him. Curled into a tiny ball, shivering in the freezing cold, was a little girl with no clothes on. The man took his outershirt and wrapped the child up, and raced back to the house with her and Peanut.

After wrapping the girl up in blankets, the owners called 911.

“By the time the ambulance and police arrived, the little girl could only say one thing — ‘doggie,’” the owners said in the letter. “Thanks to Peanut, a little girl’s life was saved.”

The Delta County Sheriff’s Office released a statement confirming the owner’s story and said that without the dog, the little girl might not have been rescued.

They said the child was safe, and Child Protective Services had been called once they realized conditions at the girl’s home were unsafe. 

“Further investigation unveiled unsafe and unsanitary living conditions at the residence,” they stated. “Child Protective Services was contacted and the found girl along with another young female were eventually removed from the residence.”

“Through all of this sad news, give thanks that the children are safe,” the Delta Animal Shelter wrote in a post on their Facebook page. “The good in this heartbreaking story is the heroism of this former abused shelter dog Peanut, and her wonderful adoptive family.”

What an amazingly heroic act of this tiny rescue dog. Watch here to see Peanut’s story and then comment below and let us know about your rescue pets.

Sources: CBS | Shareably