‘Purr-petrator’ Caught After Hijacking ATM – Officials Stunned At What They Find Inside
By Christina Williams
‘Purr-petrator’ Caught After Hijacking ATM – Officials Stunned At What They Find Inside

For one group of people, a trip to the ATM got them just a bit more than they bargained for.

After going up to the bank machine in Fort Smith, Ark., hoping to withdraw cash, customers began noticing a strange noise coming from the ATM.

Meows. Tiny, desperate kitten meows.

In shock, the customers quickly called for help, and the Fort Smith Fire Department rushed to the rescue.

After rescuers arrived, they quickly began opening the machine carefully, while searching for the tiny kitten that they soon named, appropriately enough, Cash.

Once the machine was open, Cash was quickly located inside. The tiny gray tabby cat seemed unharmed other than being dehydrated, hungry and just a bit ‘spicy’ said vets at the Fort Smith Animal Haven.

A kitten was recently rescued from an ATM. Photo by Fort Smith Fire Dept.

“This is actually my first experience with a cat getting stuck in an ATM,” said vet tech Ashley Deane.

You know, I never thought that somebody would be able to go up and make a withdrawal and get a cat out instead of some cash, so now we have both.”

Officials said it was likely the kitten was looking for a place out of the weather, when the tiny one-pound kitten managed to wedge himself inside the ATM.

“He’s a little spicy just ’cause he’s scared, which is typical and it’s gonna happen,” Deane said. “Generally, after a couple of days with our handlers caring for them, they become less spicy and just a little bit mild so they can come a little bit more workable.”

Cash quickly warmed up to staff, turning into a “huge purr box”, staff said.

The fire department’s social media post went viral, with pics of the financial guru kitten amusing commenters.

“Wait, I can get cats out of an atm? what button do i push for that?” said one customer.

Firefighters work to rescue a kitten from the ATM. Photo by Fort Smith Fire Dept.

“Why was the cat not arrested for attempted bank robbery? Fort Smith Police Department care to chime in here? Is the cat related to Pawciffer Fuzz and used his pull to get out of a charge?” another user asked.

The feisty kitten isn’t alone in his ability to find his way into a tight spot. Recently another little kitten found himself wedged into a vending machine outside of a Walmart, showing yet again, there is no tight spot a determined cat won’t get into.

As for Cash, his time as a would-be cat burglar was short lived, with the spicy kitten finding himself a new family and a safer place to rest his head.

For a look at this unusual rescue, watch below!

Sources: People | 5News