For the first seven months of his life, Ivor the puppy faced a bewildering and sad journey. Passed around to five different homes, he found himself yet again back at the local animal shelter, homeless now for the sixth time. His previous owners cited his disobedience, unaware that Ivor couldn’t hear a thing.
Rescuers discovered Ivor’s deafness and immediately began teaching him sign language. Simple gestures like touching his nose to an outstretched hand became his way of understanding commands. Despite his disability, Ivor quickly grasped the language of signs. Ellie Bromilow became Ivor’s mom after meeting him at the shelter. She fell in love with him and embraced the challenge of caring for a deaf dog. With dedication, she learned sign language to communicate with Ivor effectively.

Ivor sits with his favorite stuffed animal. Photo courtesy of Bromilow
Ivor’s intelligence shone through as he learned commands like ‘sit,’ ‘come,’ ‘lie down,’ and ‘stay.’ His heightened senses of sight, smell, and touch compensated for his inability to hear. Bromilow marveled at his ability to detect even the faintest scent of hidden treats. “Having a deaf dog is just like having a hearing dog,” she said.
We still speak to him as we sign, and I chat to him a lot – even though he can’t hear a word.”
Despite his troubled past, Ivor found solace in his forever home. He enjoys lounging around, going for walks, and engaging in heartfelt conversations with Bromilow. Though he may not hear her words, Ivor relishes the companionship.

Ivor enjoys the water while wearing a vest that lets others know that he is a deaf dog. Photo courtesy of Bromilow
“He’s already learned the sign command for ‘sit’ and ‘come’ from the staff at the RSPCA center, but now he knows lots more like ‘lie down,’ ‘stay,’ ‘all gone’ and he’s learning ‘roll over,'” Bromilow shared proudly. She said she can’t wait for him to learn even more words. While he had been abandoned multiple times due to his disability, Ivor faced constant rejection and neglect. However, the staff at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) provided him with the love and care he needed to rebuild trust.
And because of that, Ivor was beginning to thrive when Bromilow first met him. And now, having been with an owner that loves him and wants to help him learn, he has only grown happier. “He might not be able to hear, but Ivor’s other senses are as sharp as anything, particularly his sense of smell,” Bromilow said. “We hide lots of treats around the house for him to find.” Having overcome a challenging start, Ivor embodies resilience and the unwavering capacity for love. Watch below to learn more about this amazing dog!