Loyal Puppy Races To Help Handicapped Boy Off The Bus, And Mom Snags Her Camera
By Christina Williams
Loyal Puppy Races To Help Handicapped Boy Off The Bus, And Mom Snags Her Camera

Friendships can take on all forms. For one six-year-old boy, his best friend comes in a very small package – but has brought the biggest changes to Henrique Muraro’s life. His pup, Pipo, has given this special needs child a way to learn new skills, all while making the little boy feel loved.

Henrique, who lives in Brazil, has mobility issues and problems with his motor skills. He uses a wheelchair to get around. His doctor had recommended a puppy, which would give Henrique a reason to move around more, as well help him work on his motor skills. The family said they looked at a few dogs, but couldn’t find one that clicked with their son. But then they met Pipo. “One day my father’s cousin brought over Pipo,” said Rodrigo Muraro, Henrique’s older brother.

They became friends immediately and have been inseparable ever since. They spend all day together playing.”

Henrique Muraro plays with his dog, Pipo. Photo courtesy of Rodrigo Muraro

But unfortunately, Pipo can’t follow Henrique to school. So now the pair have a routine that shows just how much love and trust has been built between the pair. Pipo began waiting for the school bus to drop Henrique back at home. The minute he realizes the bus is there, Pipo races out through the yard and rushes into the bus, unable to wait a second longer for his human. “When he sees the bus, he goes to meet him and goes inside the bus, then accompanies him on his lap until he arrives at home,” Muraro said.

This wasn’t a trick the family taught the dog. “Pipo started doing this all on his own,” Muraro said. “He would always follow when my mother took Henrique to the bus [to] go to school, and then one day he just started running inside the bus when he saw it arrive. Now he does it every day.” While not trained to be a service dog, Pipo has given Henrique a way to grow and learn new things, as well as the love and affection a pet brings.

Henrique’s motor skills have improved a lot,” Muraro said, “and he’s much happier thanks to all of Pipo’s affection.”

Marilaine Muraro, Henrique’s mom, said that her son even began speaking his first words. “The only thing that helped Henry was Pipo. You don’t see in people, the love that exists between them two,” she said. The bond between the boy and dog has given the family hope that Henrique can continue to get more mobility.

Henrique Muraro smiles with his dog, Pipo. Photo courtesy of Rodrigo Muraro

It has even inspired them to look into therapy with horses, which can help with stimulation of the muscles, joins and bones, his family said. “There is a chance he can walk. Even if it’s only one possibility, we parents dream it for him,” Marilaine said. And for that, the family will forever be grateful for a tiny dog named Pipo, who loves his little boy very much. To see Pipo run and greet Henrique, watch below. 

Sources: The DodoGood News NetworkAmoreaquattrozampe.it