Pregnant Mom Sees Car Racing Toward Her Kids – What She Does Next Defies All Odds
By Christina Williams
Pregnant Mom Sees Car Racing Toward Her Kids – What She Does Next Defies All Odds

A mother’s love can move mountains. The instinct to protect and nurture your child starts the moment, I think, when you know there is life inside of you. 

It’s said that after your child is born, it’s like having your heart walk outside of your body. 

There is nothing a mom wouldn’t do, to protect that child. Even if that means risking her own life. For one Indiana woman that was what she faced recently when she was out 

Bailey Rogers and her two children were out during Fourth of July weekend when suddenly a car came careening toward the family. Rogers, who was 34 weeks pregnant, didn’t hesitate, she shoved her children out of the way of the oncoming car, and was then violently hit by the vehicle.

Bailey Rogers sits in her hospital bed after she was hit by a car, saving her children. Photo courtesy of Bailey Rogers

“Honestly, (I) don’t really know how it happened, what happened,” Rogers said. “I just saw a car coming at my kids, and I pushed them out of the way and got taken under the car.”

The pregnant mom found herself trapped under the vehicle, but her two children were safe. Then the panic set in about the unborn child inside her belly.

She told rescuers “I’m pretty sure my baby’s dead.”

But after that, her she has no memory of what happened up until she woke up later at an Indianapolis hospital, with no idea what had happened since the accident.

“The next thing I remember, I woke up …,” Rogers said.

First, Rogers learned she had been taken to IU Union Hospital in Terre Haute, where she had an emergency c-section. Then, she was flown to IU Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. 

Bailey Rogers and her three children. Photo courtesy of Bailey Rogers

Rogers found out that she had a dislocated hip, her femur had broken in two and her pelvic bones had shattered. But, even more important was that her baby, as well as her, had miraculously survived this horrible accident.

The doctors, Rogers said, credited her pregnancy as what actually helped her survive the accident. “They told me, basically, if I wasn’t pregnant, I wouldn’t have made it because your bones are so much more durable when you’re pregnant,” she said

Rogers has made amazing progress at her recovery. 

Bailey Rogers, left, and one of her nurses get ready to start the Indianapolis 500 race. Photo from YouTube

Jennifer Mink, a registered nurse at IU Methodist, said, “to know what she’s been through and to see how well she’s doing now, it blows me away, but it doesn’t surprise me.”

“Every member of our team that took care of Bailey, from door to door, and into the clinic, it took all of us to get to this day, and it took an amazing person to push through all of it,” trauma surgeon Rachel Rodriguez said.

Rogers said that Rayleigh, her ‘miracle baby’ is what gave her the push to survive.

“I could’ve been not alive, but I’m here now, and I’m telling my story and telling people, ‘Don’t ever give up,’” Rogers said.

She received special recognition at the Indianapolis 500 race for her brave act. She waved the green flag, which marked the race’s start.

Watch the amazing story of a mother’s sacrifice below.

Sources: My Positive Outlooks | WTHR