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Disability Leaves Musicians Unable To Play – Scientists Create A ‘Cap’ And Stun The World

When you go to a symphony, the music soars and creates a story without typically using words. We attend these events, not only for the…

After Mystery Man Breaks Into School – Police Find What He Left, Then Thank Him

Breaking into and entering a locked building doesn’t usually lead to a warm welcome by the police. Typically it warrants an arrest and jail time. But…

Dad Has 2 Kids With Down Syndrome – Then He Makes A Genius Purchase And Changes Their Lives Forever

Sometimes the world can forget that people with disabilities are just like anyone else ‒ they have the same hopes and dreams, the same desires…

Curious Boy Makes Historic Discovery in a Cave, and Even Scientists Can’t Believe Their Eyes

It’s easy to forget that the world didn’t begin with books, museums and the Internet. Instead we spoke to each other through art left behind…

Mom’s Desperate Screams Answered as Teen Leaps Through Window to Save Child

Fast-food restaurants are typical jobs for a lot of teenagers. So many places are staffed and run by kids fresh out of high school. Most…

9-Year-Old Prodigy Forced To Do Online School – His Next Move Shocks Everyone Around Him

When we think of high school graduation, we think of young teens on the verge of becoming adults, setting out for college. But what do you…

Stunned Man Gets Wrong McDonalds Order – Look What Was At the Bottom of the Bag

Ordering fast food usually costs you more money than you want to spend. Quick and easy, though, so it’s worth the expense. Recently though, one man…

Mom Opens Couch to Find Lost Remote – But What She Finds Instead Has Her Gasping

When you have children, and let’s face it, a spouse, it’s almost always the mom’s job to know where things are at all times. In addition…

Military Mom Finds Special Flag At a Flea Market – What’s Written On It Brings Her Whole Family to Tears

It’s well known that in the military, no man is left behind. It’s a vow, taken seriously. For one family, when they stumbled across a $5…

After Woodpecker Pokes Holes In The Wall – Pest Control Left Speechless When They Look Inside

Sometimes things can get a bit crazy when you work for a pest control company. One California business recently got a call to visit a home…