For many, college seems like just a normal event. You find a school you like, you attend for four years, and then after graduation, life…
Having a loved one with dementia is a heartbreaking and challenging experience for families. The fear of them wandering off and getting lost is a…
The path to completing your family can be made in so many different ways. It’s not always an easy and straight road to travel. For…
One young couple has traveled the country and came back with a lesson that isn’t the usual one you’d expect. In fact, their time traveling…
Working on the railroad requires attention to detail and quick thinking. But as the roads blur by, sometimes the job can be a lot of…
In a world where bad news seems to dominate the headlines, stories of hope and kindness can be a welcome respite. And for one California…
When you’re lonely, sometimes you just need to see a friend. No matter who, or what, you are, companionship is a basic need. Researchers from…
The darkest moments in life can sometimes lead us to the brightest futures in ways we could never expect. Providing care to premature babies in…
Sometimes it really is the kids who will save the world. For one seventh-grader in Michigan, he rose without hesitation when someone needed his help….
You never know what you’ll find when you go looking through a treasure trove of old VHS home recordings. From bad hair, to epic clothes,…