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Lovestruck Teenagers Forced Apart – 63 Years And 9 Missed Phone Calls Later…

The path to love isn’t always an easy one. Sometimes the storybook ending you dream of isn’t quite possible. Or sometimes, it just gets delayed….

Grieving Family Cleans Out Dad’s Home – What They Find Hidden In the Basement Sends Them Reeling

Someone once said, ‘find a penny, pick it up, and all day you’ll have good luck’. For one family, though, that old adage proved to…

14-Year-Old Genius Finds His Place In College – He Gets a Job Offer That’s “Out Of This World”

Most teenagers spend their time going to high school, playing video games and visiting their friends. Those years are full of homework, and curfews and…

Woman Battles To Survive The Wild – And 2 Bizarre Items In A “Survival Kit” Are All She Has

Surviving in the wilderness can be an exciting adventure – if you’ve planned for it. But imagine getting stranded because of a simple mistake, and…

Deployed Dad Leaves Family Behind – Seconds After, His Son Makes a Heartbreaking Move

When a family faces separation because of military service, it can be a challenging time for everyone involved.  However one exceptional neighbor is going above…

After Teen Blows Through College Funds – Her Parents Are Floored By What She Bought

You’re told from an early age that you need college. That your goal is to get into a good school, and from there you can…

Quick-Thinking Teen Spots A Scared Woman – Minutes Later, Cops Are Calling Him A Hero

TV and news often portray most teenagers as too busy to notice the world around them. The typical story will talk about how teens are…

Desperate Woman Prays For a Birth Miracle – Then God Delivers a Surprising Twist

When you struggle to get pregnant, it can be a very lonely and sobering path to be on. There are times that you don’t think…

Brave Professor Breaks Insane World Record – What He Did For 100 Days Will Blow You Away

Every man’s home is his castle.  You come and go as you please, enjoy the fresh air, take in all that you own. You’re king…

Rain-Soaked Dog Found Carrying A Toy – When Rescuers Learn Why, Their Hearts Break

Grief comes in all forms. No one is immune from it. Even animals. Pictures began showing up online of a sad-looking dog who was walking…