Mystery Package Arrives at Library After 119 Years – Inside Is Something They Never Expected To See
By Christina Williams
Mystery Package Arrives at Library After 119 Years – Inside Is Something They Never Expected To See

In the realm of libraries, books may come and go, but some stories linger far beyond their due dates.

One such book held a small spot on the shelves at the New Bedford Free Public Library. Written by James Clerk Maxwell, it was titled “An Elementary Treatise on Electricity”.

And on Feb. 14, 1904, it was checked out by an unknown inquisitive individual.

Now, 119 years later, it has found its way back to the library, once again.

The extraordinary discovery of the overdue book occurred at West Virginia University Libraries, when Stewart Plein, the curator of rare books and printed resources, was meticulously sorting through a recent donation of books.

Amidst the collection, Plein’s sharp eyes fell upon the treatise and recognized that it had once been a part of the New Bedford library’s collection. Crucially, it had not been stamped with the dreaded “Withdrawn” mark, indicating that despite its exceedingly overdue status, the book had not been discarded.

New Bedford Free Public Library director Olivia Melo holds a book that was checked out 119 years ago. Photo by Associated Press

Plein wasted no time in reaching out to Jodi Goodman, the special collections librarian at the New Bedford Free Public Library, to alert her of the remarkable find. The excitement rippled through the library as the news spread, and Olivia Melo, the director of the New Bedford library, expressed her surprise at the treatise’s excellent condition.

Someone obviously kept this on a nice bookshelf because it was in such good shape and probably got passed down in the family,” Melo noted.

The treatise, initially published in 1881, came into being two years after the death of its author, James Clerk Maxwell. While the cranberry-colored copy now safely back in the New Bedford library may not be considered a rare edition, its historic significance is unquestionable. This scientific text dates back to a time when the world was still grappling with the possibilities of electricity. In 1880, Thomas Edison’s groundbreaking patent for the incandescent lamp ignited the world with newfound hopes and technological marvels.

When the book was last seen, the nation was eagerly preparing for its second modern World Series, with incumbent Republican President Theodore Roosevelt poised to secure another term. The Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville, had only recently taken to the skies with their momentous first airplane flight, and the city of New York was celebrating the inauguration of its very first subway line.

Melo holds a book that was checked out 119 years ago. Photo by Associated Press

The return of this century-old book is not merely an intriguing tale of a long-lost library item but serves as a testament to the enduring value of printed books. In an age of digitalization, where information is instantly accessible at our fingertips, the printed word stands the test of time. Melo echoed this, stating, “The value of the printed book is it’s not digital, it’s not going to disappear. Just holding it, you get the sense of someone having this book 120 years ago and reading it, and here it is in my hands.”

It is still going to be here a hundred years from now. The printed book is always going to be valuable.”

As intriguing as the tale of the overdue treatise is, it also raises questions about the library’s late fee policy. With a 5-cent-per-day charge, someone returning a book overdue by 119 years would face a hefty fee of more than $2,100. However, the good news is that the library has a late fee limit capped at $2, providing a touch of leniency even for the most tardy of patrons.

Watch below for a look at this amazing overdue book.

Sources: Associated Press | People | WTHR