It’s tale that could have been plucked straight from an action movie. But it was real life. Shane Reimche of Eugene, Ore., found himself in a hair-raising situation on his stop by the Quicktrips Neighborhood Market. But not even he could have imagined his near-death experience would be caught on video.
In what can only be described as a stroke of luck, Reimche narrowly missed a close encounter with a nearly 4-foot blade that broke loose from a nearby construction site, rolled through the parking lot, and embedded itself in the store’s exterior wall. Recounting the adrenaline-pumping event, Reimche said, “I put my hand on the door and I heard a loud bang and yelling. Just as a cloud of smoke pops up and I see a guy fall in the ditch.”
And a four-foot blade hurtling at me.”
With split-second reflexes, Reimche managed to duck behind the counter, avoiding what could have been a disastrous collision. The impact reverberated through the store, leaving everyone shaken, said store owner Amit Grewal. “We were standing behind the counter, all I heard was metal rolling down the street. It was just wind, all of a sudden we heard a loud bang.”

The saw blade narrowly missed Reimche seconds after he walked into the Eugene, Oregon store. Photo by KEZI
Across the street, a construction crew working on for Northwest Natural Gas, to fix a leaky gas valve. Initial investigations suggest a potential bolt failure or operator error led to the blade’s spectacular escape. Thankfully, no injuries were reported, but the shock of the event remained long after the blade found its unexpected resting place.
Reimche, understandably rattled by the ordeal, recounted his post-incident jitters. “Oh my god, I had tears all night. It was petrifying. I was shaking in the store.” The gravity of the situation wasn’t lost on him, acknowledging the close call with a mix of relief and disbelief.
Obviously it wasn’t my time but probably the closest I’ve ever experienced.”
As the story gained traction on social media, Reimche’s family rushed to check on him. “They saw it on Facebook so they all came to my house and hugged me and had lots of cries,” he said, smiling.

Luckily the inner walls of the building kept customers safe from the runaway blade. Photo by KEZI
In the aftermath, questions arose regarding the responsible parties and safety protocols on the job site. Northwest Natural Gas released a statement expressing relief that no one was harmed and indicating a review of their association with the involved contractor. While investigations continue, one thing remains clear: for Reimche and those at Quicktrips, it was a day they won’t soon forget.
“I don’t think I would’ve survived being touched by that thing. I need a beer. I’m still shaken. It’s 9 o’clock. I’m not going to work today.” And who could blame him? After narrowly escaping the path of a rogue saw blade, a well-deserved break seems more than justified. Watch below for a look at the runaway blade!