Mom’s Desperate Screams Answered as Teen Leaps Through Window to Save Child
By Christina Williams
Mom’s Desperate Screams Answered as Teen Leaps Through Window to Save Child

Fast-food restaurants are typical jobs for a lot of teenagers. So many places are staffed and run by kids fresh out of high school. Most consider the job easy, with normal work ‒ making drinks, taking orders and handing out food. However, for one 19-year-old manager at a Chick-Fil-A in Flowery Bench, GA., the day turned out to be anything but average. Little did he know that his heroic actions would be caught on camera, too.

Logan Simmons was working at the restaurant’s drive-thru window and waiting for the next car in line to pull up. But as it approached the windows, the mother frantically began screaming out for help. Inside the car, her six-year-old son was choking. The mom begged Simmons for help. He told news outlet WSB-TV that the child had somehow gotten the seat belt wrapped around his neck, and it was strangling him.

In his mind, Simmons said, he could only think that he had to reach the child as quickly as possible. And that meant a jump out of the drive-thru window. The now viral video shows Simmons vaulting over the windowsill and dashing toward the child’s side of the car. 

Logan Simmons talks about his experience when a customer screamed for help, while working at Chick-fil-A. Photo from YouTube

Explaining  his reaction:

I just jumped out the window and ran straight down to the car. I think it was the quickest option. I was right there and I saw the other car right there.”

Thankfully, Simmons knew he had what he needed to help. His sole focus on the child, Simmons said he reached for his pocket knife. Immediately he worked on the seat belt, managing to cut it away from the child’s neck. Simmons told WSB-TV that he believes that his way of handling stress calmly, as well as just pure instinct, helped him jump into action and save the young boy.

And just like a true hero, Simmons seemed to need no recognition for doing the right thing. His mother told WSB-TV, “He’d been home for a couple of hours and he said nonchalantly, ‘I saved a kid’s life today,’ and I was like ‘What?’” As the video went viral, reactions to his bravery came pouring in:

  • “Chik fil a customer service second to none”
  • “Way to go, Logan! We need more like you!! God bless you!”
  • “Not all heroes wear capes.”

Simmons definitely earned all of the praise he was given for his quick-thinking. Watch below to see the video of the young man saving the day.

Source: Shareably