Lucky Child Gets A Last-Second Miracle – And It Instantly Saves Her Life
By Christina Williams
Lucky Child Gets A Last-Second Miracle – And It Instantly Saves Her Life

In a heartwarming tale of love and sacrifice from Alabama, Haley Bice has become a hero simply by doing what came naturally to her – saving her daughter. After all, isn’t that Rule No. 1 after having the responsibility of being someone’s mom? A mom’s love knows no bounds. And thank God for that.

Haley said that Adleigh had been suffering from a life-threatening disease since she was born. At just 5 years old, Adleigh had been in a constant battle to live, leaving her family in a state of constant worry and fear for her well-being.

Kendall Bice said his wife, Haley, is “a real-life hero for our little girl.” A sentiment that was echoed by friends and doctors. However, Haley considers her act nothing more than a mother’s duty. “I did what any mother would do for their baby,” she said. But that humility hides the sacrifice Haley, as well as the entire family, have had to make over the past five years.

Adleigh Bice, left, plays with playdough. Her mom, Haley, at right, donated 40 percent of her liver to Adleigh. Photo courtesy of the Bice family

Adleigh’s journey began with a challenging diagnosis of biliary atresia shortly after her birth in March 2018. This condition blocked the bile ducts in her liver, leading to severe complications. Despite various interventions, it became clear that only a liver transplant could offer Adleigh a chance at a normal life.

Dr. George Mazariegos, Chief of Pediatric Transplantation at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, said that without a transplant, “(Adleigh) would’ve had a high chance of dying from infection” over the next couple of years.

There’s a mortality rate of 80%,” he explained.

As the family grappled with this reality, Haley, studying to become a family nurse practitioner, came across the concept of living liver donations during her research. She learned that biological compatibility between mother and child could significantly reduce the risk of transplant rejection, a piece of information that would soon give the entire family a hope it hadn’t felt before.

Living liver donation is not offered in their home state of Alabama, so the family, along with their 4-year-old son, Elijah, traveled to Pittsburgh. Despite the logistical and emotional challenges, the family remained steadfast and pushed for Haley to be Adleigh’s donor. The procedure took 40 percent of Haley’s liver and transplanted that into her daughter.

It was a remarkable success, doctors said, and marked a milestone as the 200th living donor liver transplant at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. Today, both Haley and Adleigh are recovering well, with doctors optimistic about Adleigh’s long-term health. Doctors called the surgery a success, but just a couple of days after the operation, the family was told that there were potential signs that Adleigh’s body might be rejecting the liver.

Adleigh Bice grins for the camera. The five-year-old received a life-saving transplant from her mother. She got 40 percent of her mom’s liver. Photo courtesy of the Bice family

“All of the folks back home in Chilton County held a prayer vigil,” Haley said. “The next day, Adleigh Grace’s vitals had returned to normal. The power of prayer is real.” In the aftermath, the Bice family is embracing a future once thought unattainable. They dream of adventures and explorations, a stark contrast to the years spent in the shadow of constant medical vigilance. For Haley and Kendall, the relief from seeing Adleigh free from pain and thriving is immeasurable.

(Now that ) her disease is cured, it doesn’t come back,” Mazariegos said.

Haley said that now the family is thinking of vacations and adventures that they can go on, something that seemed impossible just months ago. “It’s definitely been emotional,” added her husband. “We have been prayed over,” Haley said. “Adleigh was just determined to not be knocked down and stay down.”

As Haley reflects on their journey, it’s clear that while she may not see herself as a hero, to Adleigh, and to all who hear their story, she embodies the very definition of one. And the bond between the two can never be broken. “I tell my daughter that I love her with all my heart and half my liver,” Haley said, laughing. “She says that back to me, too.” Watch below to see this amazing family!

Sources: People | Rick Karle Good News