Genius Teen Shows A Crazy Super Power – This 1 Trick Has Him Breaking World Records
By Christina Williams
Genius Teen Shows A Crazy Super Power – This 1 Trick Has Him Breaking World Records

Imagine sweating over a math test while a teenager in India adds 100 four-digit numbers in half a minute — without a calculator. Meet Aaryan Shukla, the 14-year-old “Human Calculator” who transforms mind-melting equations into child’s play, all while staying Zen through yoga.

Recently crowned by Guinness World Records for shattering six mental math milestones in a single day, Aaryan’s feats sound like sci-fi. He added 200 four-digit numbers in 1 minute, 9.68 seconds, multiplied two eight-digit numbers in under three minutes, and even divided a 20-digit number by a 10-digit figure faster than most people scramble to find their phones. Videos show him solving problems with hand waves so rapid, they blur — like a wizard conjuring answers from thin air.

Aaryan Shukla, the 14-year-old “Human Calculator”, with his world record. Photo courtesy of Guinness World Records

So, what’s his secret? “Sahaja Yoga meditation helps me to keep calm and focused,” Aaryan said. This blend of mental discipline and daily five-to-six-hour practice sessions fuels his supercharged brain. But don’t picture a stern prodigy glued to textbooks. When not crunching numbers, he’s a typical teen who devours mystery novels, battles video game bosses, and smashes cricket balls. “I also love travelling and due to the mental maths […] I travel to many countries!” he said, grinning.

His parents first spotted his gift when he was six. “He enjoyed studying and playing with numbers,” his mother recalled. By eight, he was winning international competitions, hauling home medals that left his family stunned. “We are a normal family,” his dad said.

Aaryan is a one in a billion kind of person, but I don’t think that we are a family of mental calculators.”

Yet “normal” doesn’t quite fit a boy who once added 50 five-digit numbers in 25.19 seconds on Italian TV — roughly one calculation every half-second. Since then, Aaryan’s star has only risen. During a Dubai showdown, he tackled record attempts that would make calculators weep, all while balancing schoolwork and downtime. “Relaxing is important,” he said.

At center is Aaryan Shukla, the 14-year-old “Human Calculator”, alongside his parents. Photo courtesy Guinness World Records

His parents, meanwhile, walk a tightrope between nurturing his talent and preserving his childhood. “We […] make sure that he doesn’t get overloaded or stressed,” his dad said. But with greatness comes responsibility: “[He] has to carry some responsibility also. So it is a balance between his age and his achievements.”

For Aaryan, the thrill lies in the numbers. “I feel great. I’m proud that I’m Officially Amazing. [This] is a dream for me!” he said. And while he’s already a founding board member of the Global Mental Calculators Association, his journey is just beginning. One thing’s certain: Whether he’s meditating, gaming, or rewriting math history, this human calculator proves that genius and joy can add up perfectly.

Sources: PeopleGuinness World Records