These 2 Adorable Dogs Just Got A Job – Wait Until You See Who Their Boss Is!
By Christina Williams
These 2 Adorable Dogs Just Got A Job – Wait Until You See Who Their Boss Is!

Eric and Florence never imagined they’d end up with such an important job — especially one that involves working for God. But now, these two black Labradors are making waves in their new roles at a historic site in England, charming everyone they meet with their wagging tails and warm presence.

The pair have become the newest—and furriest—staff members at Tewkesbury Abbey in Gloucestershire. These lovable dogs didn’t exactly apply for the job, but thanks to a happy coincidence, they now hold the official titles of ‘assistant vergers’ at the historic abbey.

Eric and Florence at their ‘workplace’. Photo courtesy of Tewkesbury Abbey

It all began when Chris Skepper, the head verger of the church, found himself in a bind. His wife and daughter went away for an extended period, leaving him with the two pups and a tricky schedule to manage. Not wanting to leave Eric and Florence alone for long stretches, Chris did what any dog lover would do — he asked for permission to bring them to work.

To his surprise, the Abbey agreed, as long as the dogs were well-behaved. “They’ve been a hit ever since!” Chris said, laughing. “The staff and visitors absolutely love them. They’ve added to the positive atmosphere here, and the warm reception they’ve received has been incredible.”

Initially, the plan was for the dogs to visit temporarily, but Eric and Florence quickly won over everyone at Tewkesbury. Now, they arrive every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and even on some Sundays, proudly wearing their very own name badges, ready for another day on the job.

“It was supposed to be just for three weeks, but the reaction was so positive that we decided they could stay,” Chris explained. As “assistant vergers,” Eric and Florence are responsible for greeting visitors and acting as unofficial therapy dogs.

Eric and Florence at their ‘workplace’. Photo courtesy of Tewkesbury Abbey

Chris says they’ve become pros at making everyone feel welcome, especially those who might find the large, historic abbey a bit intimidating. “If you’ve never been to church, it can be daunting. Big doors, huge space—it can feel a bit overwhelming,” Chris shared.

But when people walk in and see the dogs, they immediately feel at ease. It breaks down barriers.”

And it’s true—Eric and Florence are experts at putting smiles on faces. While Chris goes about his duties, preparing for services and maintaining the Abbey, the two Labradors calmly follow along or rest quietly in the side aisle during events.

Visitors often ask if they can meet the dogs, and more often than not, Eric and Florence are happy to oblige with a wagging tail and gentle nuzzle. “They’re so well-behaved,” Chris said. “Labradors are bred to have a job, and these two take theirs very seriously. As long as I give clear direction, they know exactly what to do.”

The pair’s calm demeanor has made a real impact, especially for those seeking comfort. “We had one lady come in after losing someone close to her. She wasn’t ready to sit through a service, but she found the dogs and spent time just sitting with them, stroking their fur. That’s what she needed,” Chris said.

It’s not just the regulars who appreciate Eric and Florence—newcomers and even kids love interacting with the dogs. “They’re like celebrities around here now!,” Chris said. Reverend Nick Davies summed it up perfectly: “All God’s creatures are welcome at Tewkesbury Abbey. And Eric and Florence? Well, they’ve made this place feel even more like home.”

Sources: BBC | Good News Network