Four Sisters Have A Huge Surprise For Each Other – They’re Stunned To Learn It’s The Exact Same Thing
By Christina Williams
Four Sisters Have A Huge Surprise For Each Other – They’re Stunned To Learn It’s The Exact Same Thing

They say sisters share everything with one another.

From clothes to makeup to secrets, the love of a sibling isn’t like anything else. The bond is often hard to break.

But sometimes, even with the closest of relationships, there are secrets that are kept. And in this case, four sisters had very huge secrets they had kept from one another.

Until their mom gave them all an Easter gift.

The sisters, Jessica Hanna, Jordan Sutton, Jena Primsky and Jaden Lortz, live in different states from one another. So, they told reporters, finding out each one was pregnant all at once was a “complete shock.”

Four sisters are expecting babies at the same time and they said it was all “a complete shock” and an unexpected coincidence they’re excited to share together.

Sisters Jena Primsky, Jaden Lortz, Jessica Hanna, and Jordan Sutton are all pregnant at the same time. Photo courtesy of Wildfire Photo Co.

“I know so many people will say, ‘You guys all planned this,’ but with two of us having fertility help, definitely not planned,” Hanna said.

It’s just, God works in mysterious ways.”

In another twist, Primsky, 33, and Lortz, 25, even share the same due date of Oct. 1st. Primsky is having a boy, while Lortz is expecting a girl. Sutton, 27, doesn’t know yet the baby’s gender, but should sometime toward the end of August. Hanna is also having a girl, due Nov. 11th.

Sutton said she knew that her sisters were pregnant, she had kept it a secret, and Hanna didn’t know at all. Until Hanna planned to announce her pregnancy at Easter.

“I had little cookies made that said ‘Baby Hanna, coming November 2023’ and I gave that to Jena and Jaden before we had dinner on Easter, and they were both kind of like, in shock,” Hanna said.

The one person who knew all the secrets? Their mother. So she made a sweet treat for her girls. “She shared (the news) with all of us and we opened up these eggs and it had a picture of us on it that said, ‘All of my babies are having babies,'” Primsky said. “It was madness. It was so fun.”

Jena Primsky and Jaden Lortz both share the same due date of Oct. 1, 2023. Primsky is pictured with her husband Mike Primsky and son Mason while Lortz is pictured with her husband Jake Lortz. Photos courtesy of Jena Primsky

The sisters have created a chat group called ‘Bumpin’ and update each other and discuss pregnancy issues and more. 

The four said that having all of this to share with each other has definitely brought them closer in a “different way.”

“We always send memes or recipes or whatever we’re craving,” Hanna said. “Like we go to a doctor appointment, we tell each other how that went.”

Knowing that their kids will have a big family to love them, makes them all very happy.

“It’s just a very surreal feeling knowing that we’re gonna have all these kids super close together. We grew up with a super big family with 35 cousins, so it’s just kind of a dream come true with having our own kids now being able to grow up together this close. It’s just crazy,” Hanna said.

Watch below as the sisters discuss the craziness of all four of them being pregnant together!

Sources: Good Morning America | People