Football Star On the Brink Of Losing Everything – Then a Generous Teammate Answers His Hail Mary
By Christina Williams
Football Star On the Brink Of Losing Everything – Then a Generous Teammate Answers His Hail Mary

“Athletics will fade. Character and integrity and really making an impact on someone’s life, that’s the ultimate vision, that’s the ultimate goal – bottom line.”  – Ray Lewis, former linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens

For one young athlete, making the football team at Eastern Michigan University, was a dream come true.

But as a walk-on, Zack Conti didn’t earn a scholarship like his other teammates. So college was something Conti had to fund himself. Even if that meant selling his own plasma for money to pay tuition. While a public university, tuition still runs more than $7,000 per semester.

But donating plasma was just the tip of the work Conti did to fund his education.

“Football is something I really love, so ever since I got to school, I’ve had to do whatever it takes to stay here and stay in a good position with academics and football and everything,” Conti said. “So I work a landscaping job and I rip out carpets and I demo tile floors whenever I’m not working or not doing football or going to school.”

It’s been a grind my whole life but, I mean, when you really want something, it’s like you do what you need to do to keep it going.”

So when Brian Dooley, a fellow football player, learned that the hard-working Conti was considering leaving the team, he wasn’t about to let that happen.

Zach Conti hugs Brian Dooley after finding out he was being given a scholarship. Photos by Eastern Michigan University

Dooley said that everyone saw how hard Conti worked, both on the field and off. He said he was inspired by the work ethic.

“He does a lot more than just football … being a walk-on he’s got to make up a lot of money,” he said. “Putting that kind of work in on and off the field pushed me harder.”

Brian Dooley

Dooley said he worked with EMU’s head coach Chris Creighton on his idea: to give his full-ride scholarship to Conti. Dooley only has two classes left to finish for his degree. By transferring his scholarship to Conti, the athlete will have the entirety of his undergraduate career funded, as well as money for graduate school if he wants.

“The [offensive]-line brotherhood is something that is hard to break. We have each other’s back. That’s why I wanted to get Conti’s back,” Dooley said. “If Conti wasn’t here, I’d give it to somebody else too. If somebody is working that hard and they deserve a scholarship, I want to give it to them.”

At the team meeting earlier this month, Conti was presented with the award.

“I’ve never heard, I’ve never seen anything like that ever before,” Creighton said of Dooley’s actions.

After Conti received the amazing news, he said he was just in shock.

“It just felt unbelievable, like I felt like my hard work has paid off,” Conti said. “I can’t really describe it. You work this hard for this long and you just hope a day like this comes where it’s like you’re finally rewarded. It was a great feeling.”

Dooley said he is just glad he could make a difference for someone.

“I’d do it again in a heartbeat,” Dooley said. “If it helps him more then by all means, I’m gonna give it to him and hopefully I can later down the road help him out even more.”

For a look at the inspiring actions of Dooley, watch below.

Sources: People | Good Morning America