Fisherman Find Mangled Car Under Water – Their Astonishing Discovery Is Beyond Belief
By Christina Williams
Fisherman Find Mangled Car Under Water – Their Astonishing Discovery Is Beyond Belief

Typically the goal of fishing is to catch fish. But recently, two Indiana fishermen caught something that turned them into heroes. More importantly, it saved a man’s life. Matthew Reum, 27, is safe in a hospital bed now, thanks to Nivardo Delatorre of Portage and his father-in-law Mario Garcia of Hobart.

The men said they were walking along Salt Creek, which runs east of Interstate 94, near the Portage exit, when they saw a mangled car under the bridge. It was hidden from sight, under the overpass. Due to the state of the vehicle, Garcia said they assumed whoever was inside had died. When they approached the wreck, they saw a man inside. Garcia reached out to touch him and made sure, when suddenly Reum turned his head and began to speak.

He had a jacket almost like mine and all I seen was this part, the shoulder. The moment I touched the shoulder he swung around. He woke up,” Garcia said.

The police said the pickup probably rolled several times. Photo courtesy of the Indiana State Police, via Associated Press

The two men called 911. Reum, they said, told them he’d been stranded and paralyzed in place for six days. The shock of finding him alive was almost too much for the fisherman. “It almost killed me there because it was so shocking. He was alive and very happy to see us,” added Garcia, noting that “he had some scratches on him.”

State police said Reum was airlifted to a trauma center near South Bend. He had life-threatening injuries, they said, and the effort to pull him from the wreck took several hours due to the complexity. “They had a very difficult time getting down into the creek area with their equipment basically to cut him out and remove him,” Sgt. Glen Fifield said.

Police also said that Reum had been unable to reach his phone and had not been reported missing. The warmer than usual winter this year, they said, helped Reum survive. He had been able to drink rainwater to stay hydrated. Reum was a member of the Boilermakers Local 374. “We are thankful Matt is alive and grateful for the men who found him. Matt’s strong will and toughness speak volumes through this ordeal,” the union’s spokesman said.

Reum smiles from his hospital bed. Photo courtesy of Haley Traxler

Unfortunately, Reum had to have part of his leg amputated due to his injuries, and remains in the intensive care unit, the spokesman said. “Matthew is a great guy, always smiling, coming to work in a joyful mood. He’s a hard worker, too great welder. There’s not enough good things to say about the guy,” said his friend Mike Ortiz.

Memorial Hospital, where Reum is being treated, released a statement from him. It read: “Matt Reum wants to thank everyone for the outpouring of support and all the well wishes, including the good Samaritans who found him, the first responders and his caregivers at Memorial Hospital.”

“Matt knows he has a story to tell, and when he is ready, he plans to share details of that experience,” the statement continued. “Until then, Matt has asked us to share this message, while also requesting privacy during this time for himself, his family and friends.”

No matter how tough things get, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, sometimes in the least expected way,'” he added.

For Garcia and Delatorre, they know that a bit longer out there alone could have turned this miracle into a tragedy. “One more day and something could have been very different here,” Garcia said. “We were put there for a reason,” said Delatorre. Watch this amazing rescue below!

Sources: People | ABC7