Mystery Hairless Creature Spotted by Stunned Family – They Creep Up to Get a Closer Look
By Christina Williams
Mystery Hairless Creature Spotted by Stunned Family – They Creep Up to Get a Closer Look

One Minnesota family helped solve the mystery of the hairless animal. And it only took a few weeks, some food in a catch crate and a hungry hairless animal. It all started when the family (who would like to remain anonymous) caught an animal living in and around their backyard.

It was obvious this animal was in dire need of care and was starving. While they couldn’t tell what sort of animal it was, they were determined to catch it so they could get it help. And while they had a rescue plan, the mystery animal proved to be a smart little guy, and for weeks managed to evade the crate they had set up with food. Once the animal enters, it triggers the door to drop.

But hunger eventually won out, and once the animal began eating the food, the door dropped and he was trapped.Unsure of what to do, the family gave the animal to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota. It was there that staff was finally able to identify the little hairless animal – he was a fox!

Emaciated, dehydrated and suffering from mange, WRC worked tirelessly to rehabilitate the poor fox, no matter how long it took. “Before his trip to WRC, this young red fox experienced weeks of cold, hunger, discomfort and desperation due to the mites that were burrowing under his skin causing a severe case of mange,” the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota wrote on Facebook.

He arrived to our clinic almost completely furless, ribs showing and with a fractured tail that would require a small amputation from its tip.” As the staff got to know the fox, they solved the mystery of how he had managed to escape being captured for such a long time. Pure attitude, they said.

“Despite missing fur and fat, he had no lack of spunk,” the center said. “The client wanted to share the video of him evading capture because it demonstrates just how clever he is, a trait we saw right away in our care.”

The center went on to explain that this little guy had no shortage of attitude and needed to play and have things to do. “He put our staff’s creativity to the test as we strived to keep him entertained and safe during his stay,” they wrote. “His medical care and rehabilitation were funded by generous supporters who responded to our specific request for funds to help care for mange foxes. Thank you!”

The fox gives one last glance to his rescuers. Photo courtesy of WRC

One month after being rescued, the wily fox was prepared to be put back into his natural home in the wild. “After 43 days in our hospital, he had recovered outstandingly, and his beautiful new coat was beginning to grow back,” the center said. “Anyone could see that this fox was more than ready to return home, and so as soon as our vets were confident he no longer needed supportive care, back to the wild he went.”

Once they got him to a wooded area, the excited fox waited impatiently while staff opened the crate. The fox took a flying leap out of the crate and began to run away. But, this little guy had one last thing up his sleeve. Right before he entered the woods, he paused and turned back and looked at the people who had taken such good care of him.

“Our patients are unable to thank us, but this fox’s spectacular leap out of his kennel and the moment he took to look back at his caretakers are memories we will never forget,” the center said. “On behalf of the fox, thank YOU for supporting WRC and making stories like his possible!” Watch below to see the smart little fox evade capture for a bit before his rescue!

Source: The Dodo