The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” – Maya Angelou
A man’s home is his castle. Thanks to a viral TikTok video, the generosity of thousands and his faith in God, one Burger King employee now has a place to call his own. It all began with Kevin Ford never having missed a day of work in more than 27 years. His gift for all of his time spent there was from the hiring company for Burger King.
It included a Starbucks reusable tumbler, a bag of Reese’s candy, pens and two rolls of Lifesavers and other items. Ford expressed gratitude for the items, but viewers on TikTok felt that someone who had put in that much time at a company deserved more. After the video went viral, Ford’s daughter created a GoFundMe and donations came in, amounting to more than $200,000.
@thekeep777 CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!!!! 🎄🏡🎄 #KEVIN27YEARS MIRACLES DO HAPPEN!!! #MIRACLES #DavidSpade #JoeDirt #TheTodayShow #TMZ #ChristmasMiracle #Believe #Home #Houses #KillaKev #YouDaBest #Inspiration #K27Y #NoHate #🟦 #Peace #swifties #friends . NEWS NATION https://www.newsnationnow.com/business/burger-king-worker-gets-400k-in-crowdfunding-after-27-year-tenure/amp/ #HappyNewYear #KevinFord #K27Y #KEVIN-27-YEARS #Live #HaveFun #Truth #Honor #Love NEWSMAX Interview… https://youtu.be/vd0wZJDfsAQ?si=_pHjmsbjTZcvQX_Q Thankful for YOU… . KEVIN-27-YEARS BK… Over$200k Raised For Burger King Employee Who Got A ‘Goodie Bag’ For 27 Years Of Work | Essence https://www.essence.com/news/burger-king-employee-27-years/ This Was A 🎁CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!!!🎅🤶🏼 . NY Post Article 📰 https://nypost.com/2023/08/08/burger-king-cook-who-hasnt-missed-work-in-27-years-gets-400k-in-donations-after-viral-vid/ Thank You! If Anyone Ask You if Miracles are Real Tell Them About Me and That YOU Were a Part of It!!! #Ty #XmasMiracle #Xmas #Holidays #Swifty #Kelce #swifties #KevinFord #fellowship #K27Y #Honor #AmericanHeros #JOY KEVIN-27-YEARS BK . NOW THIS!!! https://fb.watch/ehrhC2AZgY/ I LOVE YAWL!!! May God Bless You and Yours in the New Year🧧and Beyond… KEVIN-27-YEARS… #viralvid #Swifty #Swifties #Love THANK YOU and May God Bless and Keep You and Yours in the New Year and Beyond… LLP Kevin Ford . JOY… 😄🎄😊🎑☺️🎎 BE HAPPY FOR EVERYONE! #JOY… LLP Kevin Ford 😊 #JOY #Happiness #Love Link in Bio… Thank You and May God Bless You and Yours Always… LLP 😊🤗😊#AmericanHeros KEVIN-27-YEARS BK THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!😊 #Joy #Joyful #thankful #gratitude #K27Y #Love #KevinFord #fellowship #YouSavedMe #swifties #Kelce #Viral #ViralVid #Traylor #viralvideo #Love #Laugh #Ty #Holidays #Xmas #Magic #XmasMiracle #Honor IT’S THE MACK!!! by KEVIN-27-YEARS https://my-store-da4a85.creator-spring.com/listing/it-s-the-mack . #HardWork #Hustle #Grind #KevinFord #JOY #Joyful #AmericanHeros #RealLife #K27Y #Kevin27Years #KevinFord #Thankful #YouSavedMe #ThankYou #Grateful #Swifty #viralvid #Business #MOREOFTHAT ♬ Christmas – neozilla
Now, more than a year later, with donations still pouring in, the fund has raised nearly $440,000. In a recent TikTok video, Ford took the time to thank all of his supporters and show them just what dream they had made possible for him: His own home. “I know it’s not a mansion, but it’s mine,” he said, taking viewers through his three bedroom, two bathroom house.
I want to thank everyone all around the world for what you’ve done for me, something that I thought would never be possible for me: home ownership,” Ford said.
His daughter shared the reason her father had always been such a hard worker. “He originally began working at this job as a single father when he gained custody of me and my older sister 27 years ago,” Seryna said. “Then as our family grew and he remarried, he continued to work there because of the amazing health insurance that was provided through this employer because it was unionized,” she said. “This got all four of his daughters through high school and college with full healthcare coverage.”

Kevin Ford’s new home. Photo courtesy of Ford
Ford said he still hasn’t missed a day at work and that his drive to work from his new home is a good one. He was asked once why he thought his story meant so much to others. “I think people wanted to be a part of something beautiful for once and this is beautiful,” Ford said. “It’s a miracle.”
He ended his home tour video with gratitude for his followers. “Remember, love yourself because I love you. God bless you and thank you.” “I tell people all the time that if you have lost faith in your God, your beliefs or just life, you can hold me up as an example,” he said. “Just look at what the world has done for a perfect stranger.”
This is a follow-up to a previous story we did in February. Click here to read the first article on Ford.