Elderly Man’s Car Smashes Into Icy Lake – Seconds Later, a Teen Jumps In To Save Him…And His Adorable Pet
By Christina Williams
Elderly Man’s Car Smashes Into Icy Lake – Seconds Later, a Teen Jumps In To Save Him…And His Adorable Pet

Sometimes you are just in the right place at the right time. That was the case for a teen who was out ice-fishing recently.

Joe Salmon, a 17-year-old highschooler, was spending time with his mom, fishing and watching snowmobile races. Suddenly the simple day with family was interrupted by what could have been a tragedy, if not for the quick actions of the teen. 

Thomas Lee, along with his dog, Cooper, were driving to visit his son-in-law at a nearby fishing shack, when he suddenly lost control of his Jeep. The vehicle careened off the road, and slammed below into the icy waters of the lake.

Quickly, Salmon called 911, then jumped into the water, and swam to the sinking Jeep. He was followed by four other men, all looking to save the 83-year-old Lee from drowning.

“I took one step and (the water) went to about my chest,” Salmon told the Des Moines Register.

I got on the bumper of the rear and tried opening the back door, but all the windows were locked, but one guy gave me a knife and I hit the back glass a couple of times.”

A nearby photographer was flying a drone, and managed to capture the rescue on video. In it, you can see Salmon reaching through the back window to grab Cooper. He then passes the dog to the other men, and goes to the front of the Jeep. 

17-year-old Joe Salmon jumped into the water to help save Thomas Lee and his dog, Cooper, below. Drone Photograph by Tom Gustafs

Lee’s foot had been stuck near the center console, and water was up to his chest, Salmon said. Thankfully, he was able to free Lee, and help him escape through a window he had managed to break..

The other men, Corey McConnell, Kody Harrelson, Cody Chester, and Chris Parks, helped Salmon get Lee and his dog to the shore safely.

Des Moines police said that Lee was taken to a local hospital, but didn’t have any injuries from the accident. Cooper was fine as well, and dried off with his rescuers at a nearby store.

Salmon said after being treated for some cuts from broken glass, and getting dry clothes on, he went right back to fishing. Not surprisingly, this lucky teenager also managed to snag two fish.

He told reporters, “I’m happy that he was OK and the dog was OK. It was just crazy at the time. I’ve never done anything like that.”

Watch the brave rescue of Lee and Cooper below.

Sources: Today | NYPost