Desperate Mom Makes Plea For Help – She’s Astonished At The ‘Hot Mess’ That Knocks On Her Door
By Christina Williams
Desperate Mom Makes Plea For Help – She’s Astonished At The ‘Hot Mess’ That Knocks On Her Door

Amidst the chaos of motherhood, it often seems as if we’re alone. That no one else is feeling or has felt like us. Motherhood, an amazing thing to be a part of, can also be a lonely and scary time. But now, there is a group that wants to shine hope on moms. Known as the Hot Mess Express, the group was born from the genuine desire to support fellow mothers.

Jen Hamilton, the driving force behind Hot Mess Express, recalls the pivotal moment that sparked the group’s inception. “The Hot Mess Express is just a group of moms who come together to rescue other moms who are struggling,” she explains. Inspired by a mother’s heartfelt plea for help on TikTok, Hamilton knew she had to take action.

Hot Mess Moms work on a mom’s house. Photo from TikTok/Jen Hamilton

“We go into her space and we do dishes, laundry, organization. We basically just give her a house reset so that she can feel better,” Hamilton said. She speaks from first-hand knowledge. “I had been in situations as a new mom where I wished that there was somebody to rescue me,” she said.

And so to be that for someone else is just so incredible.”

Brittinie Tran, now leading Hot Mess Express, echoes Hamilton’s sentiment. “I think it’s so important that there be ‘hot messes’ for women around the country so that they have that village that everyone always says that, you know, we need, but we can never find,” she said. Tran’s dedication to fostering a supportive environment underscores the organization’s mission of solidarity and kindness.

The impact of Hot Mess Express is palpable in the lives of mothers like Mariah Harris. Overwhelmed by the demands of motherhood, Mariah received a surprise visit from Hot Mess Express. “It’s just a blessing… I feel so blessed to even see you all here, and to get this,” she said.

@_jen_hamilton_♬ original sound – Jen Hamilton

In a heartwarming gesture of generosity, Clorox donated $5,000 to Hot Mess Express. Additionally, each member received a $500 gift card, including Mariah Harris. The corporate sponsorship further solidifies Hot Mess Express’s mission and enables them to continue their vital work. As Hot Mess Express continues to expand its reach, its message remains clear: no mother should ever feel alone in her struggles.

Through acts of kindness and compassion, this remarkable organization exemplifies the power of community support. As Jen Hamilton said on TikTok, when she began her mission, “Who would be willing to go with me? This is community. Let’s go save that girl. Let’s go rescue her.” Watch below for a look at the Hot Mess Express and its goal to help mothers across America.

Sources: Good Morning America | Motherly