Couple Finally Adopts Baby After Years Of Struggling – Then Comes An Unexpected Miracle
By Christina Williams
Couple Finally Adopts Baby After Years Of Struggling – Then Comes An Unexpected Miracle

Well, that’s one way to make your family grow.

For one Pennsylvania couple, Zac and Brittney Wolfe, having children had been a struggle. They had tried all the methods they could for Brittney to get pregnant, but were unsuccessful.

So they decided to adopt, knowing that they wanted to be parents no matter what.

“We have both always dreamed of having a big family and infertility made us realize that it isn’t about HOW we become parents that matters to us — it is about parenthood itself — and that steered us in the direction of adoption as our path to parenthood and we couldn’t be more excited to begin our journey,” the couple had posted on a website about their struggles.

Zac and Brittney Wolfe, who are expecting triplets, with their recently adopted baby girl. Photo courtesy of Liz Pistner

Zac was a pro at overcoming the odds, and he knew that he and Brittney would find a way. After all, he hadn’t slowed down even after a 2011 accident that left him paralyzed.

“As I have done over the past 12 years, you adapt — and overcome all challenges,” Zac said.

If there is a will, there is a way.”

So the couple, who married two years after Zac’s accident, stopped fertility treatments and began searching for an expectant mother who wanted someone to adopt her baby.

Finally, after a few failed attempts, the Wolfes were finally put in touch with a woman who wanted to place her baby in adoption.

Zac and Brittney were at the birth of their now-adopted daughter, Charlie Ann, over the summer. “She is such a cutie and stole our hearts the second she was born,” they said.

Zac and Brittney Wolfe are expecting triplets. Photo courtesy of Liz Pistner

But, the story wasn’t quite finished it seems. While they had been looking for a child to adopt, they learned about a procedure called ’embryo adoption.’ According to the National Embryo Donation Center, frozen embryos left by couples who had gone through In Vitro Fertilization, were donated for other couples who were unable to conceive a child.

But the Wolfes said that their first try was unsuccessful. They tried once more, and were given a miracle – they were expecting triplets. At the same time their adoption was being finalized with Charlie.

“All of a sudden, things got crazy,” Brittney said. “It wasn’t planned, but Charlie’s adoption and the pregnancy happened at once.”

We were about to become a family of six,” she said.

Knox, Noa and Navie were born at 30 weeks, via C-section, the couple said.

Each baby weighed between two and three pounds, but are doing well. They should be home, Brittney said, in about four to six weeks.

“We thought we might never have one child, let alone four,” Zac said. “You should never give up hope.”

For a look at their inspiring story, watch below.

Sources: People | Insider