Sometimes all you need is your parents, and a few friends. Even when you’re lost in the ocean. Because moms, and family, are superheroes. One…
When you see a child in need of help, money is often the last thing on your mind. It’s instinct to help take care of…
Once upon a time, a young woman dreamt of making dresses for others. She went to school and drew constantly. But then one day, like…
An internship at NASA would be a big deal for anyone. Even more so when you’re a young teen who loves space and science. And for…
When you travel to a new place can it can be scary for anyone, but it is especially difficult when you’re a small animal who…
When you’re young, the people nearest you are the ones that help guide you though life. And those people can often include your teachers. Teachers…
Music can be a solitary experience. We get lost in our own thoughts, and let the sound change us. It helps us find ways to…
When a friend needs your help, you don’t turn them away. We treat friends like family, caring for them in any capacity they might need….
A hit song by The Proclaimers once told everyone just how many miles someone would walk for the love of their life: “… I would…