Busy Mom Can’t Find Babysitter For Jury Duty – So Here’s What She Did To Avoid That $1K Fine
By Christina Williams
Busy Mom Can’t Find Babysitter For Jury Duty – So Here’s What She Did To Avoid That $1K Fine

Being a mom means finding a way to always accomplish what needs to be done.

I have one child, and finishing a to-do list can be impossible at times. So I can’t imagine what life with 18-month-old triplets and a four-year-old must be like. I think any mom handling that deserves a vacation.

But instead, that mom got called for jury duty.

Torrey Scow said that when she first got her notice to appear in court, she panicked because she knew she’d have no help. Her husband, Kory, had to work and couldn’t take off, and her mom was out of town.

“I even sent (the court) a picture because I wanted them to know how hard it is for me to find a babysitter, because the only person I have that can handle all four kids is either myself or my husband, or my mom,” Scow said.

“It’d be easier if they were older toddlers, but they’re still babies who need bottles and changing at different times. But they ended up sending me a random day around three days out from the day I got it.”

So that left her sitter-less. Realizing if she missed jury duty she’d be fined $1,000, she made the only choice she could – she decided to take her four children with her.


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“I told Kory, I was like, ‘Don’t worry about it. I’m just going to take them all in. I’m sure they’ll send me right home anyways,'” Scow said.

I didn’t pack any shoes or anything. I did take snacks. We always take a bunch of snacks, thankfully.”

Scow, who frequently documents her family’s life on YouTube, filmed the adventure. 

Figuring she’d be in and out of the court quickly, Scow didn’t bring many toys. But she was in for a surprise. Despite four noisy children in a quiet room, she wasn’t dismissed immediately.

After waiting for more than an hour in the waiting room, she was called before the judge.

“I thought, ‘Once we go in with the judge, she’ll probably dismiss us,'” Scow said. “And we went in there, and she just kept going on and on with all these questions.”

The entire time, she said, the kids were being, well, kids. “[Lexi, Zoey and Lincoln] were walking up to the judge’s table and everything, so I’d go grab one, and as I was walking back, another baby would be walking up, so I’d have to go grab that baby, and it was just like constant while everyone is just sitting there in silence.”

Finally, Scow said, a kind police officer found some toys for the children to play with, which helped keep them occupied.

Finally, two hours later, Scow was dismissed.

Courtesy of Ciera Chipman Photography

“You have to realize that even me and Kory haven’t even gone to church with all the babies with me and him for that long, because it’s too much,” she said in a video.

I fed them more snacks than they’ve ever had in their entire life to keep them quiet,” Scow said, laughing.

In addition to the police officer who helped by bringing toys, Scow said a person in the waiting room helped entertain her older daughter, Emory, now 5, while others commended her for even showing up to jury duty.

“People were so nice after,” Scow said. “They’re like, ‘Oh, I admire you! I couldn’t have done that.'”

Her advice for other parents? “Try to put away all those worries and be positive. I think that’s the biggest thing is just stay positive. It all works out,” she said.

Watch below for Scow’s adventure in jury duty!

Sources: Good Morning America | People