Brave Senior Nearly Quits On Her Dream – But She Prays 1 Final Time, And Then A Miracle…
By Christina Williams
Brave Senior Nearly Quits On Her Dream – But She Prays 1 Final Time, And Then A Miracle…

It can be the hardest things we go through that teach us how to truly live our life.

But with God on her side, one 81-year-old woman was determined to show everyone that nothing, including recovering from cancer, would stop her from fulfilling her dreams.

Even if that dream was to hike the Grand Canyon from rim to rim.

California resident Fran Anderson won’t shy away from something just because it’s hard.

Don’t tell me I can’t do something,” she tells anyone who questions her.

The mother of four, and grandmother of 9 likes to tell people that “age is just a number.”

Fran had spent the years leading up to her trek battling a host of illnesses and injuries. She had struggled with double pneumonia, non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, a compromised immune system, as well as issues from when she had broken her knee and shoulder a few years ago.

From left to right, Brenda, Fran, Laurie, and Lynnette at the North Rim. Photo by Lynette Opp

But when one of her daughters, Lynette Opp, completed the 24-mile hike at the Grand Canyon, she found herself inspired. She wasn’t quite sure, however, that she could do it.

“No way I’m gonna be hiking across that terrain,” she said she thought at the time.

But no one, even her own brain, could tell her what to do. With the help of another daughter, Brenda Sibley, they created a nutritional and workout plan for Fran to follow.

She didn’t just cut out sugar, she also increased the amount of protein she ate and began hiking on a regular basis. Fran also turned to God, praying each night that she would reach her goal.

“The gradual wins became so empowering,” she said.

Five months later, she was ready. But, a wrench was thrown into her plans. Originally, Fran had planned to make the hike in 2 days, with one overnight stay at Phantom Ranch at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. But a water main break at the ranch caused the hotel to have to cancel all reservations. With no spots at a nearby campground, she had only two options – give up her dream or hike the trail in one day.

She chose to hike it in one day.

Setting out at 5:45am the group spread out and began hiking. Fran walked with her daughters, Lynette and Brenda, and her cousin, Laurie Unsinger.

Despite the beautiful weather and amazing views, the hike began to take a toll on Fran. After a few miles, she began to worry that she might not be able to finish.

But, like Fran, her family was equally stubborn. They rallied around her and took her backpack, splitting up the items inside amongst themselves, so Fran wouldn’t have to carry any weight on her back.

“It’s a great analogy for life,” Lynette said.

We need each other to get through the hard parts of life, and we needed each other to get through the difficult hike.”

Fran was able to continue at a steady pace, she said, using the spectacular views to help keep herself motivated.

Fran with her husband, LaMarr Anderson at the end of her hike. Photo by Lynette Opp

“It’s majestic. I felt so small down there,” she said. “Every time I hike, I think that God created this beautiful earth for us to enjoy and if you don’t explore it, you’re missing out.”

At the half-way point, exhausted, Fran worried she might not be able to continue. So , she prayed. She asked God to send “angels to help me out here.”

After a short nap, Fran woke up re-energized. They began the slow trek to the final rim of the canyons. With her family cheering her on, she made it. It was 2:45am and more than 21 hours after she had started, but she had made it.

Fran said, “I thought ‘Yes! I did it! I persevered and made it through.’ It was very emotional to see my family waiting for me at the end, and I cried happy tears.”

Her lesson for others is simple, she said.

“You’re never too old to set and achieve your goals. Especially not when you have God on your side.”

Watch the inspiring Fran below!

Sources: LDS Living