Brave Man Clings to Life After Horrific Wreck – Then His Wife Gives Him 1 Totally Unexpected Gift
By Christina Williams
Brave Man Clings to Life After Horrific Wreck – Then His Wife Gives Him 1 Totally Unexpected Gift

There isn’t always a guidebook on how married life will work. Sometimes it’s a leap of faith that ends up taking you places you never expected. And for Kris Armstrong, that leap of faith was required when her first husband was in a car accident that left him with a traumatic brain injury in 2008 and in need of around-the-clock-care.

The tragedy happened just two years after the Texas high school sweethearts were married. But now, nearly 16 years later they are divorced and Kris is remarried – but as she told her now-husband, James, her ex-husband came with her as part of a package deal. “She was honest from the start,” James said. “It was either accept or don’t accept.” Kris and Brandon met when she was 16 and he was 15. They were married at 21 with dreams of starting a family.

Brandon was and is a complete gem of a human,” Kris said.

However, on Nov. 5, 2008, Brandon was t-boned by a moving truck in a horrific accident. “It was like living in a nightmare,” Kris said. “There would be a moment when I would wake up in the morning and forget, then it would all come back.”

@followmetothemouse There is no way to share our story in a minute. There were years of heartbreak and struggle that are a part of our story. But this is a quick clip of the last 15 years💚 #tbisurvivor #storytime #storytelling #caregiversoftiktok #tbiwife ♬ Ambient-style emotional piano – MoppySound

Brandon’s injuries made him unable to fully communicate and doctors, Kris said, “didn’t know what his future would look like.” “Of course they told me he had a severe brain injury and would be affected his whole life, but I didn’t know what that would be,” she said. “The unknown portion was particularly terrifying.”

Kris was determined to stay by his side, even changing her career to become a speech pathologist, but as time went on she recognized that “he wasn’t going to have a recovery where we could have a partnership.” “But I knew that I loved him dearly, wanted to take care of him, and to still be in his life,” she said. “And I knew of the people in his life, I was the most able to care for him.”

James helps Brandon eat while they are at a restaurant. Photo from TikTok

So in 2010, due to financial issues and a desire to have children one day, Kris made the hard choice to divorce Brandon and become his legal guardian. “It’s complicated to be someone’s guardian and be divorced,” Kris said. “I remember the probate judge asking what would happen if I had a family change and I said I was committed to caring for him for the rest of his life.”

Years later Kris met James. After talking for a few weeks, she introduced him to Brandon. “We took him to church together,” Kris said.

I went to the bathroom and when I came back I saw James’ arm around Brandon and that sealed the deal.”

The two were married on Sept. 5, 2015, and now have two daughters. James also has a son from a prior relationship. “So often when people have a really heartbreaking thing happen, resilience comes when we find meaning,’’ says Kris. “There’s a lot of beauty in how our family works. It’s wonderful and there’s grace.” James, Kris said, has always shown up for Brandon since meeting him that first time.

Kristen Armstrong, 38, and her husband James Armstrong, 36, (left) care for her former husband Brandon Smith (center), who sustained a severe traumatic brain injury. Photo from TikTok

“James has 100% loved Brandon, cared for him, been kind to him,” Kris said, adding that James calls Brandon his brother. The couple’s children call him Uncle Brandon and have special bonds with him. “I feel like I lost my husband,” Kris said. “The way I found meaning is to go back and work with people like him, and to share our story.”

Every year when she reapplies for guardianship, she shares photos of Brandon with her new family to the judge. She tells the court, “I still love him, and he’s very much a part of our family.” Watch below to see this family form new bonds through tragedy.

Sources: People | Daily Mail