Baby Girl Looks Like Woody Harrelson – Actor’s Hilarious Response Breaks the Internet
By Christina Williams
Baby Girl Looks Like Woody Harrelson – Actor’s Hilarious Response Breaks the Internet

It’s not every day that a baby gets compared to a famous middle-aged man, but that’s exactly what happened 

When Dani Grier Mulvenna shared a photo of her adorable daughter, Cora, next to a picture of Woody Harrelson on Twitter, she didn’t expect too much of a response. But she couldn’t help herself. “Ok but how does our daughter look like Woody Harrelson,” she tweeted.

The resemblance between the two was uncanny, with both flashing big smiles and Cora sporting adorable blond hair.

However, the tweet quickly went viral, garnering hundreds of thousands of likes, shares and replies. Even Harrelson himself caught wind of the comparison and took to his Instagram page to share a screenshot of Mulvenna’s tweet along with a delightful little poem he called “Ode to Cora.”

In the poem, Harrelson playfully acknowledged the resemblance:

You’re an adorable child, flattered to be compared, you have a wonderful smile, I just wish I had your hair.” 

It was a sweet response that showed Harrelson’s kindness and humor.

Mulvenna was thrilled by Harrelson’s acknowledgement and took to the comments section to express her joy. She wrote, “You’ve made our day, can’t wait to show her this when she’s older, you have another fan for life xxx.” 

It’s clear that this unexpected connection brought a lot of joy to the family, and it’s a story they will be able to share with Cora when she’s older.

What’s even more amusing is that Cora has no idea about all the excitement she has caused. As Mulvenna shared on Twitter, Cora doesn’t always look like Woody Harrelson, but when she does, she really does. 

Several other fans flooded the comments section to gush over the hilarious comparison.

  • “Plot twist: you’re the real father”
  • “This is wholesome !!!”
  • “Just like you but with more hair!”
  • “Your baby doppelganger” 
  • “I actually thought that was a young picture of woody!”

It’s an entertaining situation that highlights the power of social media to connect people in unexpected and delightful ways.

Harrelson’s response to being compared to baby Cora is a reminder of the positive impact that social media can have. In a world where these platforms are often used for negativity, it’s lovely to see something so wholesome bringing together people, regardless of age or celebrity status.

It’s a delightful reminder that sometimes, the most heartwarming moments can come from the most unexpected places. We just have to remember to grab those moments of sweetness and humor and take the time to enjoy them. 

Sources: Upworthy | Page Six