Who hasn’t wanted to take a day off of work with little notice? Spend a day relaxing, enjoying the extra day at home with no stress. Or, in the case of one woman – spend your surprise day off trying to get a 1300-pound seal named Neil off of your car.
mean, that seems a reasonable excuse to miss a day of work to me. Amber Harris, who lives in Hobert, Tasmania, an island state of Australia, woke up early to strange sounds from outside her home. She told reporters that it sounded like “somebody breaking into my car.” But that wasn’t it.
I looked out my bedroom window and, nope, there is Neil looking up right at me.”

Amber Harris says her boss was not flipping out, and understood she couldn’t come in once they saw this picture. Photo courtesy of Amber Harris
The southern elephant seal, named Neil by locals, is known by marine conservationists to wander from the beach onto roads. He even has his own Instagram page, where pictures of the seal’s adventures around Hobert are well documented by locals and marine conservationists.
Amber was getting an up-close and personal visit from the famous seal, as Neil explored her garage, then promptly plopping himself in front of her car. “He is just having a nice nap at the moment,” she said. “I (had) no idea what to do with a seal on the front lawn.”
Amber called her boss at work, to let them know she wouldn’t be in. “[Work] got all the photos so they knew it was legitimate. It’s given everyone in the office a bit of a laugh,” she said. Officials told Amber that Neil could possibly stay on land for up to four weeks, but eventually would make his way off her property on his own.
@thatgoodnewsgirl A woman had no choice but to stay home from work when Neil the seal chose her front yard as his nap spot. Thanks, Neil! 🦭 Neil the elephant seal is a respected resident in Tasmania. The local marine conservation experts manage an IG account for him: neiltheseal22 📸 Amber Harris / neiltheseal22 #seal #sealtok #marinelife #goodnews #positivecontent ♬ original sound – jenn💜 good news & fun stories
She lives across the road from a beach, Amber said. So he’s made his way all the way up, up a dirt road and across. But, luckily Neil decided he had overstayed his welcome and a few hours after he arrived, he made his way out of Amber’s yard.

Neil the seal takes a break on Amber Harris’ porch. Photo courtesy of Amber Harris
Neil often spends his time sunning on roads, or playing with the traffic cones that were placed to keep him safe – anything to keep himself entertained and off the beach, it seems. Amber said despite knowing he would often wander around the town, she never once thought he’d pay her a visit. “I have no idea why he’s chosen my front yard but he’s welcome to stay as long as he wants.” Watch below for a look at the lovable seal, Neil.
Sources: The Guardian | ABC.au