After Hearing A Guitarist Play At McDonald’s, One Man Makes An Incredible Discovery
By Christina Williams
After Hearing A Guitarist Play At McDonald’s, One Man Makes An Incredible Discovery

A community rallied to help a homeless musician and his girlfriend after a video of him performing outside a McDonald’s drive-thru in Liverpool went viral on TikTok, amassing millions of views.

John Metcalfe, 59, was captured strumming Dire Straits’ “Sultans of Swing” on his acoustic guitar while standing by the fast-food chain’s parking lot. Stephen Flynn, a local resident, filmed the brief performance, which was later shared on TikTok. The video has been viewed more than 11 million times.

The guitarist, John Metcalfe. Photo by Stephen Flynn

The response to the clip was overwhelming — not only from viewers who praised Metcalfe’s musical talent, but also from those eager to lend a hand. Flynn and his sister, Melissa, quickly set up a GoFundMe campaign to support Metcalfe, raising nearly £6,000 (approximately $7,845) in just a few days.

After everything that’s happened to me, this response has given me hope,” Metcalfe said.

Metcalfe, who has been living out of his car for months, expressed his gratitude. “It’s totally restored my faith in human nature,” he said. For Metcalfe, life hasn’t always been this challenging. Originally from Liverpool, he spent years traveling the world and playing music, even living in Norway with his girlfriend, Hege.

But in October, their lives were upended when Metcalfe was deported back to the U.K. due to visa issues. “They gave me an hour to gather what I could carry and put me on a plane,” Metcalfe recalled of having to suddenly leave. “My poor girl was left in tears.”

The guitarist, John Metcalfe. Photo by Stephen Flynn

Since then, Metcalfe and Hege have faced numerous hardships. Unable to secure stable housing, they’ve been living in a small car, trying to make ends meet. Metcalfe’s main source of income has been busking — playing guitar in public spaces for tips. While it doesn’t always bring in much money, Metcalfe says it brings smiles to the faces of those passing by.

In December, he started performing outside a Sainsbury’s supermarket, until he was moved on by security. A guard suggested he try the nearby McDonald’s, where Flynn would eventually discover him.

Flynn hadn’t known much about Metcalfe when he first filmed the video, but after seeing the incredible reaction online, he felt compelled to do more. “I didn’t realize he was living in his car right by the McDonald’s,” Flynn said. “When I went back and told him about the video, he was gobsmacked.”

As the video continued to gain attention, Flynn and his sister launched the fundraising effort, and donations poured in from all over. The funds are being used to help Metcalfe and Hege get back on their feet, with hopes of purchasing a camper van that will allow them to travel and continue playing music.

People have just come together in the most amazing way,” Flynn said. “We want John to have a happy life after everything he’s been through.”

Metcalfe is grateful not just for the financial support, but also for the emotional lift. “I want to meet all these kind people who helped me,” he said, adding that he hopes to use the money to continue his travels with Hege, playing music along the way.

As the campaign continues, Metcalfe and his supporters are optimistic about what the future holds. “We’re just trying to get him set up so he can live comfortably and do what he loves,” Flynn said. “Hopefully, he’ll be off in his camper van soon — that’s the plan.”

Sources: PeopleGood News Network