After Firefighter Gets Heartbreaking Illness – A Surprise Angel Races To His Bedside
By Christina Williams
After Firefighter Gets Heartbreaking Illness – A Surprise Angel Races To His Bedside

Sometimes even heroes need a helping hand.

When a long-time firefighter found out he had cancer, he knew he wouldn’t be able to work his normal job.

Stuck on desk-duty, Mike Broderick struggled with the family’s bills. Until a program designed for heroes got in touch.

In May, Emily Broderick said she got a text from Mike, 51, who said his stomach hurt badly.

”It was actually the night before my birthday,” Emily, 46, said. After noticing other issues, Emily made Mike go to the ER.

The couple, who have been married for 25 years and had four children, said they thought it might be kidney stones.

Instead, the hospital told him that Mike had bile duct cancer.

The firefighter and army veteran had always been healthy prior to this. His wife was stunned. “He is quite honestly the healthiest person I know,” Emily said.

Cancer was the last thing on our radar.”

Thankfully Mike’s insurance covered his Stage 4 cancer treatment. But Mike, who was now stuck with a desk job, was unable to qualify for disability from the fire department.

Mike and Emily Broderick with their children. Photo courtesy of Emily Broderick

That is when Building Homes for Heroes stepped in. A phone call from the program gave the family the best news: their mortgage would be paid off.

“I don’t know what to say,” a visibly moved Mike said in a video that was filmed by the nonprofit after he and Emily learned about the gift. “It just means a lot to me.”

The couple married in 1998, and Mike joined the Army. Three years later, he was a first responder when the Pentagon was attacked on 9/11.

After that, the couple left Washington and moved to Iowa to start a family. Mike joined the National Guard and has worked as a firefighter for the past 16 years.

“The number of firefighters that come sit and spend time with him, it’s overwhelming,” Emily said. “They’ve been amazing.”

In fact, she said, it was a fellow firefighter, Tyler Mark, who introduced the family to Building Homes for Heroes. The nonprofit was founded following the 9/11 attacks and has helped more than 300 veterans.

Tyler was a friend of the couple, and approached them with the news.

Mike Broderick. Photo by Emily Broderick

“He actually came up to the hospital when Mike was in for an infection here in Des Moines, and he introduced himself to me,” Emily said. “He said, ‘I’m on this board of directors [for Building Homes for Heroes], and I’m going to try to make it possible so that we can pay off your mortgage and Mike can focus on his cancer fight.’”

Mike and I both burst into tears,” she added.

For Tyler, it was an easy choice.

“Mike has always stepped up and answered the call when others needed help and he’s always done it quietly and professionally,” he said. “Now it’s time for Mike to focus and take care of himself and the community to help support Mike.”

Another friend, the couple said, created a GoFundMe to help provide additional support to the family.

Emily said the help they have received has meant so much to the couple.

“There’s help everywhere, but we never could have imagined this,” she. “It has been the best gift I never wanted to receive.”

Watch below to see this inspiring hero’s story!

Sources: People | We Are Iowa